MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet


File Name: espi-metals_com---zirconium.asp
                                                                                     ELECTRONIC SPACE PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL

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Zirconium Metallic Element
Trade Name: Chem ical Nature:
Zr 7440-6 7-7
Form ula: CAS N umber:


Haz ardous C omp onents % OSHA/PEL ACGIH/TLV Sec. 302 Sec. 304 Sec. 313
5 m g/m 3 5 m g/m 3
Zirconium 0-100 No No No

HM IS Ratings (Sponge or Powder): Hea lth: 2 Flam mab ility: 4 Reactivity: 0 Equip: F: glasses, gloves, apron, respirator


4377 oC 1852 oC
Boiling Point (760 mm Hg): Freezing/Melting Point:
6.506 Insoluble
Specific Gravity (H 2O=1): Solubility (Weight % In H 2O):
Vapor pressure: Vapor Density (Air=1):
Metallic gray or silver-g ray, odorless. N/E or N /A
Appearance and Odor: % Volatile by Volume:

Bulk Den sity: Solid: 405 lb/ft3 Sponge: 130 lb/ft3 Powder: 110-190 lb/ft 3 varying with particle size.


Ignition Point: Solid metal will not ignite. High surface area material such as 10 micron powder may autoignite at room temp. Fine
chips, turnings, or grinding dust produced from this metal are flammable. Ignition point for sponge varies from 200 to above 500 oC
depending on particle size.

Minim um Explosib le Co ncentra tion (g/m 3): Less than 100. Varies with particle size.
Extingu ishing Media: Dry table salt. Type D fire extinguisher. DO NO T USE water, carbon dioxide or halocarbon extinguishing
Fire Fighting Procedures: If metal fines become ignited it is advisable to allow the material to burnout. Fire can be controlled by
smothering with dry table salt or usin g Type D dry-p ow der fire extin guish er m aterial. W ear reflective heat-resistant suit.

Unusual Fire & Explosion Hazard: Do not spray water on burning zirconium. Carbon dioxide is not effective in extinguishing
burning zirconium.

If a fire starts in a m ass of w et metal fines, the initial fire may be followed by an ex plosio n. Th erefo re, when in do ubt,
personnel should retire and not attempt to extinguish the fire. The explosive characteristic of such material is caused by the steam and
hydrogen generated w ithin the burning m ass.

Spontaneously combustible in dry powder form. Flammable and explosive as dust or powder, also in the form of borings
and shavings. Zirconium metal is a very dangerous fire hazard in the form of dust when exposed to heat, flame or by chem ical
reaction w ith oxidizing agents. M ay be a n exp losion ha zard in the form of dust by chem ical reaction w ith air, alkali hydro xides,
alkali metal chromates, dichromates, molybdates, sulfates, tungstates, borax, CCl4, copper oxide , lead, lead ox ide, pho sphorous,
KC lO 3, KNO 3, nitryl fluoride. May be extremely sensitive to shock and static electricity may cause spontaneous ignition.
Effects of Exposure:

To the best of o ur know ledge the chem ical, ph ysical and toxicolog ical pro perties of zirconiu m h ave not b een thoro ugh ly
investigated and rec orded . Zirconium co mp ounds are no t an imp ortant indu strial poison. M ost zirconium co mp ounds in com mo n use
are insoluble and considered inert. Pulmonary granuloma in zirconium workers has been reported.

Acute E ffects:

Inhalation: Ma y cau se irritation to the respiratory tract, m uco us m em bran es or th e nose and thro at.
Ingestion: Ma y cau se irritation to the g astroin testinal tract.
Skin : May cause irritation.
Eye: May cause irritation.

Chro nic Effects:

Skin : May cause skin granulomas. No other chronic health effects recorded.

Target Organs: May affect the respiratory system and skin.
Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: Pre-existing resp iratory disord ers.
Carcino genicity: NTP: No IARC: No OSHA: No


INHALATION: Rem ove victim to fresh air, kee p w arm and quiet, give o xyg en if breathing is d ifficult.
INGESTION: Give 1-2 glasses or milk or water and induce vom iting; seek medical attention if symptoms persist. Never induce
vomiting or give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
SK IN: Brush material off skin, wash affected area with mild soap and water.
EYE: Flush eye s with luke warm water, lifting up per and low er eyelids, for at least 15 minu tes.


Stability: Stable

Co nditio ns to Av oid: High tem peratures, sources of ignition. M ay be e xtrem ely sensitive to sho ck and static electricity to cause
spontaneou s comb ustion. May be an explosion hazard in the form of dust by chem ical reaction with air.

Incompatibility (Material to Avoid): Strong o xidizing a gents, air, alkali hyd roxides, alkali metal chrom ates, dichrom ates,
molybdates, sulfates, tungstates, borax, CCL4, copper o xide, lead, lea d ox ide, phospho rus, K ClO 3, KNO 3, and acids. Zirconium m etal
is rapidly dissolved by hydrofluoric acid or hydrofluoric-nitric acid mixtures. Above 200 oC, zirconiu m reacts exoth erm ically w ith
halogen gases, fluorine, ch lorine , brom ine, iod ine, an d halocarbon s, including carbon tetrachloride , carbon tetrafluo ride and F reon s.
Nitryl-Fluoride, FNO 2 will initiate a reaction with zirconium metal at room temp erature to produce a glowing or white incandescence.

Haz ardous D ecomposition Produc ts: Zirco nium me tal does no t deco mp ose. T he ab ove reactio ns w ith inco mp atible m aterials w ill
generate hazardous reactions products such as flamm able hydrogen, toxic fumes of nitrogen oxides, or corrosive zirconium halide
vapo rs.

Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur


Steps to Be Taken in Case Material Is Released or Spilled: We ar appropriate respira tory and protective equipm ent specified in
section VIII. Scoop or vacuum spill using a high efficiency particulate absolute (HEPA) air filter and place in a closed container for
proper disposal. Stay aware of fire hazard.

Waste Disposal Method: Dispose o f in accord ance w ith all State, Federal and Lo cal regulation s.
Additional Protective Measures: Eva luate each situation for possibility of flash bu rns. W ork areas mu st be period ically cleane d to

-Zirconium 2-
avo id acc um ulation of flam ma ble dust. If du st has accumu lated, w ear reflective heat-resistant suit wh ile clean ing.
Environmental Hazards: None


Respiratory Protection (Specify Type): Use N IOS H-a pprove d resp irator if p rocessing will generate dust.
Ventilation: General exhaust is recommended.

Protective Gloves: Use of g loves ad visable to av oid cuts.
Eye Protection: Safety glasses.
Protective Clothing: Eva luate each situation for possibility of flash bu rns. W ork areas mu st be period ically cleane d to avoid
accumulation of flamm able dust. If dust has accumulated, wear reflective heat-resistant suit while cleaning.


Precautions to Be Taken in Handling and Storage:

< Mac hining of zirconium may result in fine turnings or chips. Any m aterial with a dimen sion less than 0.062 5" (1/16") or a
cross section less than 0.00 78" squa re (1/1 6 x 1 /8), if pre sent in any quantity, can be ignited and can sustain com bustion.
Keep aw ay fro m a ny so urce of ign ition.
< Keep fine turnings completely dry, or very wet. If wet, the water content should be more than 25% by weight for maximum
safety in handling. Severe explosions can result from ignition of zirconium powd er or mach ining fines containing moisture
in the concentration range of 5 to 10%.
< (Sponge) Avoid ignition sources and high temperatures. Long term storage should be in argon-filled steel drums with tight
fitting clamp -on sealab le lids. All handling and storage areas sh ould b e clearly po sted with 鈥淗 ot W ork A rea Perm it鈥? signs.

Other Precautions: Very fine ly div ided scrap or saw dust, with a dim ensio n less than 0.012 ", should b e con sidered to b e pyrophoric
and should not be accumulated. Dispose of these materials daily. In some cases, when the chemical corrosion resistance of zirconium
is exce eded, a co rrosio n produ ct con taining fine zircon ium particu late can form on th e surface o f the m etal which can b e easily
ignited. This film can be rendered non-flammable by simple oxidation treatments such as heating to 250 oC for 1 hour or 100 oC for 7

Toxic Substance Control Abstract (TSCA): Listed, EPA flag: XU.

The abo ve inform ation is believ ed to be co rrect, but do es no t purp ort to b e all inclu sive an d sha ll be used only as a gu ide.
ESPI shall not be held liab le for any d am ages resultin g from h and ling o r from contact with the abov e pro duc t.

Issued by: S. Dierks
Date: February 1998

-Zirconium 3-

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