MSDS  : Terminalia arjuna (roxb.) Wight & Arn., extract excluding roots SUBSTANCE DEFINITION : Plant belonging to the family Combretaceae REFERENCE : IJEBA6 Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. (Publications & Information Directorate, CSIR, Hillside Rd., New Delhi 110 012, India) V.1- 1963- Volume(issue)/page/year: 15,208,1977
CAS  : 63148-69-6

CHEMICAL NAME : Terminalia arjuna (roxb.) Wight & Arn., extract
excluding roots
Plant belonging to the family Combretaceae
IJEBA6 Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. (Publications & Information
Directorate, CSIR, Hillside Rd., New Delhi 110 012, India) V.1- 1963-
Volume(issue)/page/year: 15,208,1977



TYPE OF TEST : LD50 - Lethal dose, 50 percent kill
ROUTE OF EXPOSURE : Intraperitoneal
SPECIES OBSERVED : Rodent - mouse
DOSE/DURATION : 500 mg/kg
Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value
IJEBA6 Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. (Publications & Information
Directorate, CSIR, Hillside Rd., New Delhi 110 012, India) V.1- 1963-
Volume(issue)/page/year: 15,208,1977

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Terminalia arjuna (roxb.) Wight & Arn., extractexcluding rootsSUBSTANCE DEFINITION :Plant belonging to the family CombretaceaeREFERENCE :IJEBA6 Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. (Publications & InformationDirectorate, CSIR, Hillside Rd., New Delhi 110 012, India) V.1- 1963-Volume(issue)/page/year: 15,208,1977 63148-69-6
Terminalia belerica roxb., alcoholic fruit extractSUBSTANCE DEFINITION :Plant belonging to the family CombretaceaeREFERENCE :IJPAAO Indian Journal of Pharmacy. (Bombay, India) V.1-40(1), 1939-78. Forpublisher information, see IJSIDW. 63148-69-6
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Terminalia ivorensis, wood smoke condensateSUBSTANCE DEFINITION :Smoke condensate of wood used for food preservation/aromatization in NigeriaREFERENCE :MUREAV Mutation Research. (Elsevier Science Pub. B.V., POB 211, 1000 AEAmsterdam, Netherlands) V.1- 1964- 2312-35-8
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Terminalia myriocarpa Heuck & Muell.-Arg., extractexcluding rootsSUBSTANCE DEFINITION :Plant belonging to the family CombretaceaeREFERENCE :IJEBA6 Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. (Publications & InformationDirectorate, CSIR, Hillside Rd., New Delhi 110 012, India) V.1- 1963- 2312-35-8
Terminalia paniculata Roth., stem bark extractSUBSTANCE DEFINITION :Plant belonging to the family CombretaceaeREFERENCE :IJEBA6 Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. (Publications & InformationDirectorate, CSIR, Hillside Rd., New Delhi 110 012, India) V.1- 1963- 2312-35-8
Terminalia paniculata Roth, extract excluding rootsSUBSTANCE DEFINITION :Plant belonging to the family CombretaceaeREFERENCE :IJEBA6 Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. (Publications & InformationDirectorate, CSIR, Hillside Rd., New Delhi 110 012, India) V.1- 1963-Volume(issue)/page/year: 26,883,1988 2312-35-8
Terminalia superba Engl. & Diels, bark extractSUBSTANCE DEFINITION :Plant belonging to the family CombretacaeaeREFERENCE :JOETD7 Journal of Ethnopharmacology. (Elsevier Scientific Pub. IrelandLtd., POB 85, Limerick, Ireland) V.1- 1979- Volume(issue)/page/year:5,187,1982 2312-35-8
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alpha-Terpineol 98-55-5
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