MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet


File Name: farmoz_com_au---Citadel_msds.asp
                                                                           Product Name: Farmoz Citadel Fungicide
Page: 1 of 6
This revision issued: November, 2006

Section 1 - Identification of Chemical Product and Company
Farmoz Pty Ltd, Suite 1, Level 4, Building B Telephone (02)9431 7800 (24 hours)
207 Pacific Highway St Leonards, NSW 2068 Fax (02)9431 7700
ACN 050 328 973

Substance: Triadimenol is an azole derivative. It is presented as an N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone
Farmoz Citadel Fungicide
Trade Name:
Product Use: Agricultural fungicide for use as described on the product label.
Creation Date: November, 2006
Revision Date: November, 2006

Section 2 - Hazards Identification
Statement of Hazardous Nature
This product is classified as: Xi, Irritating. Xn, Harmful. N, Dangerous to the environment. Hazardous according to
the criteria of ASCC.
Dangerous according to the Australian Dangerous Goods (ADG) Code.
Risk Phrases: R22, R36/38, R51/53. Harmful if swallowed. Irritating to eyes and skin. Toxic to aquatic organisms,
may cause long-term adverse effects to the aquatic environment.
Safety Phrases: S2, S13, S26, S36, S46, S61, S20/21, S24/25. Keep out of reach of children. Keep away from
food, drink and animal feeding stuffs. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and contact
a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Wear suitable protective clothing. If swallowed, contact a doctor or Poisons
Information Centre immediately and show this MSDS or label. Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special
instructions/Safety Data Sheets. When using, do not eat, drink or smoke. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
SUSDP Classification: S5
UN Number: 3082

Emergency Overview
Physical Description & colour: Clear, tan coloured liquid.
Odour: Characteristic odour.
Major Health Hazards: irritating to eyes and skin, harmful if swallowed.

Potential Health Effects
Short term exposure: Available data indicates that this product is not harmful. However product may be mildly
irritating, although unlikely to cause anything more than mild transient discomfort.
Long Term exposure: No data for health effects associated with long term inhalation.
Skin Contact:
Short term exposure: Available data indicates that this product is not harmful. It should present no hazards in
normal use. However product is a skin irritant. Symptoms may include itchiness and reddening of contacted skin.
Other symptoms may also become evident, but all should disappear once exposure has ceased.
Long Term exposure: No data for health effects associated with long term skin exposure.
Eye Contact:
Short term exposure: This product is an eye irritant. Symptoms may include stinging and reddening of eyes and
watering which may become copious. Other symptoms may also become evident. If exposure is brief, symptoms
should disappear once exposure has ceased. However, lengthy exposure or delayed treatment may cause permanent
Long Term exposure: No data for health effects associated with long term eye exposure.
Short term exposure: Significant oral exposure is considered to be unlikely. Available data shows that this product
is harmful, but symptoms are not available. However, this product is an oral irritant. Symptoms may include burning

Issued by: Farmoz Pty Ltd Phone: (02)9431 7800
Poisons Information Centre: 13 1126 from anywhere in Australia, (0800 764 766 in New Zealand)
Product Name: Farmoz Citadel Fungicide
Page: 2 of 6
This revision issued: November, 2006
sensation and reddening of skin in mouth and throat. Other symptoms may also become evident, but all should
disappear once exposure has ceased.
Long Term exposure: No data for health effects associated with long term ingestion.
Carcinogen Status:
ASCC: No significant ingredient is classified as carcinogenic by ASCC.
NTP: No significant ingredient is classified as carcinogenic by NTP.
IARC: No significant ingredient is classified as carcinogenic by IARC.
Section 3 - Composition/Information on Ingredients
TWA (mg/m3) STEL (mg/m3)
Ingredients CAS No Conc,%
Triadimenol 55219-65-3 250g/L not set not set
N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone 872-50-4 400g/L 103 309
Other non hazardous ingredients secret to 100 not set not set
This is a commercial product whose exact ratio of components may vary slightly. Minor quantities of other non
hazardous ingredients are also possible.
The ASCC TWA exposure value is the average airborne concentration of a particular substance when calculated over a normal 8 hour working day
for a 5 day working week. The STEL (Short Term Exposure Limit) is an exposure value that may be equalled (but should not be exceeded) for no
longer than 15 minutes and should not be repeated more than 4 times per day. There should be at least 60 minutes between successive exposures
at the STEL. The term "peak "is used when the TWA limit, because of the rapid action of the substance, should never be exceeded, even briefly.

Section 4 - First Aid Measures
General Information:
You should call The Poisons Information Centre if you feel that you may have been poisoned, burned or irritated by
this product. The number is 13 1126 from anywhere in Australia (0800 764 766 in New Zealand) and is available at all
times. Have this MSDS with you when you call.
Inhalation: No first aid measures normally required. However, if inhalation has occurred, and irritation has
developed, remove to fresh air and observe until recovered. If irritation becomes painful or persists more than about
30 minutes, seek medical advice.
Skin Contact: Wash gently and thoroughly with warm water (use non-abrasive soap if necessary) for 10-20 minutes
or until product is removed. Under running water, remove contaminated clothing, shoes and leather goods (e.g.
watchbands and belts) and completely decontaminate them before reuse or discard. If irritation persists, repeat
flushing and seek medical attention.
Eye Contact: Immediately flush the contaminated eye(s) with lukewarm, gently flowing water for 20 minutes or until
the product is removed, while holding the eyelid(s) open. Take care not to rinse contaminated water into the
unaffected eye or onto the face. Obtain medical attention immediately. Take special care if exposed person is wearing
contact lenses.
Ingestion: If swallowed, do NOT induce vomiting. Wash mouth with water and contact a Poisons Information
Centre, or call a doctor.

Section 5 - Fire Fighting Measures
Fire and Explosion Hazards: This product is classified as a C1 combustible product. There is a slight risk of an
explosion from this product if commercial quantities are involved in a fire. Violent steam generation or eruption may
occur upon application of direct water stream on hot liquids. Vapours from this product are heavier than air and may
accumulate in sumps, pits and other low-lying spaces, forming potentially explosive mixtures. They may also flash
back considerable distances.
Fire decomposition products from this product may be toxic if inhaled. Take appropriate protective measures.
Extinguishing Media: Preferred extinguishing media are carbon dioxide, dry chemical, foam, water fog. Water fog
or fine spray is the preferred medium for large fires. Ensure that no spillage enters drains or water courses.
Fire Fighting: If a significant quantity of this product is involved in a fire, call the fire brigade.
Flash point: 118掳C
Upper Flammability Limit: 9.5%
Lower Flammability Limit: 1.3%
Autoignition temperature: 346掳C
Flammability Class: C1

Issued by: Farmoz Pty Ltd Phone: (02)9431 7800
Poisons Information Centre: 13 1126 from anywhere in Australia, (0800 764 766 in New Zealand)
Product Name: Farmoz Citadel Fungicide
Page: 3 of 6
This revision issued: November, 2006
Section 6 - Accidental Release Measures
Accidental release: In the event of a major spill, prevent spillage from entering drains or water courses. Wear full
protective clothing including eye/face protection. All skin areas should be covered. See below under Personal
Protection regarding Australian Standards relating to personal protective equipment. Suitable materials for protective
clothing include Viton, Nitrile. Eye/face protective equipment should comprise as a minimum, protective goggles. If
there is a significant chance that vapours or mists are likely to build up in the cleanup area, we recommend that you
use a respirator. It should be fitted with a type G cartridge, suitable for agricultural chemicals. Otherwise, not normally
Stop leak if safe to do so, and contain spill. Absorb onto sand, vermiculite or other suitable absorbent material. If spill
is too large or if absorbent material is not available, try to create a dike to stop material spreading or going into drains
or waterways. Because of the environmentally hazardous nature of this product, special care should be taken to
restrict release to waterways or drains. Sweep up and shovel or collect recoverable product into labelled containers
for recycling or salvage, and dispose of promptly. Recycle containers wherever possible after careful cleaning. Refer
to product label for specific instructions. After spills, wash area preventing runoff from entering drains. If a significant
quantity of material enters drains, advise emergency services. Full details regarding disposal of used containers,
spillage and unused material may be found on the label. If there is any conflict between this MSDS and the label,
instructions on the label prevail. Ensure legality of disposal by consulting regulations prior to disposal. Thoroughly
launder protective clothing before storage or re-use. Advise laundry of nature of contamination when sending
contaminated clothing to laundry.

Section 7 - Handling and Storage
Handling: Keep exposure to this product to a minimum, and minimise the quantities kept in work areas. Check
Section 8 of this MSDS for details of personal protective measures, and make sure that those measures are followed.
The measures detailed below under "Storage" should be followed during handling in order to minimise risks to
persons using the product in the workplace. Also, avoid contact or contamination of product with incompatible
materials listed in Section 10.
Storage: This product is a Scheduled Poison. Observe all relevant regulations regarding sale, transport and storage
of this schedule of poison. Check packaging - there may be further storage instructions on the label.

Section 8 - Exposure Controls and Personal Protection
The following Australian Standards will provide general advice regarding safety clothing and equipment:
Respiratory equipment: AS/NZS 1715, Protective Gloves: AS 2161, Industrial Clothing: AS2919, Industrial Eye
Protection: AS1336 and AS/NZS 1337, Occupational Protective Footwear: AS/NZS2210.
TWA (mg/m3) STEL (mg/m3)
ASCC Exposure limits
N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone 103 309
The ADI for Triadimenol is set at 0.06mg/kg/day. The corresponding NOEL is set at 6.25mg/kg/day. ADI means
Acceptable Daily Intake and NOEL means No-observable-effect-level. Values taken from Australian ADI List, Dec
No special equipment is usually needed when occasionally handling small quantities. The following instructions are
for bulk handling or where regular exposure in an occupational setting occurs without proper containment systems.
Ventilation: This product should only be used where there is ventilation that is adequate to keep exposure below
the TWA levels. If necessary, use a fan.
Eye Protection: Protective glasses or goggles should be worn when this product is being used. Failure to protect
your eyes may cause them harm. Emergency eye wash facilities are also recommended in an area close to where
this product is being used.
Skin Protection: Prevent skin contact by wearing impervious gloves, clothes and, preferably, apron. Make sure that
all skin areas are covered. See below for suitable material types.
Protective Material Types: We suggest that protective clothing be made from the following materials: Viton,
Respirator: Usually, no respirator is necessary when using this product. However, if you have any doubts consult
the Australian Standard mentioned above. Otherwise, not normally necessary.
Eyebaths or eyewash stations and safety deluge showers should be provided near to where this product is being

Section 9 - Physical and Chemical Properties:
Physical Description & colour: Clear, tan coloured liquid.
Odour: Characteristic odour.
Boiling Point: Not available. N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone boils at 202掳C
Freezing/Melting Point: No specific data. Liquid at normal temperatures.
Issued by: Farmoz Pty Ltd Phone: (02)9431 7800
Poisons Information Centre: 13 1126 from anywhere in Australia, (0800 764 766 in New Zealand)
Product Name: Farmoz Citadel Fungicide
Page: 4 of 6
This revision issued: November, 2006
Volatiles: No data.
Vapour Pressure: No data. N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone 10Pa at 24掳C
Vapour Density: No data.
Specific Gravity: 1.077-1.088
Water Solubility: N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone is water soluble; Triadimenol 73g/L at 20掳C
pH: No data.
Volatility: No data.
Odour Threshold: No data.
Evaporation Rate: No data.
Coeff Oil/water distribution: No data
Autoignition temp: 346掳C

Section 10 - Stability and Reactivity
Reactivity: This product is unlikely to react or decompose under normal storage conditions. However, if you have
any doubts, contact the supplier for advice on shelf life properties.
Conditions to Avoid: This product should be kept in a cool place, preferably below 30掳C. Keep containers tightly
closed. Containers should be kept dry. Keep containers and surrounding areas well ventilated. Protect this product
from light.
Incompatibilities: strong acids, strong bases.
Fire Decomposition: Carbon dioxide, and if combustion is incomplete, carbon monoxide and smoke. Nitrogen and
its compounds, and under some circumstances, oxides of nitrogen. Occasionally hydrogen cyanide gas in reducing
atmospheres. Hydrogen chloride gas, other compounds of chlorine. Water. Carbon monoxide poisoning produces
headache, weakness, nausea, dizziness, confusion, dimness of vision, disturbance of judgment, and
unconsciousness followed by coma and death.
Polymerisation: This product will not undergo polymerisation reactions.
Section 11 - Toxicological Information
Local Effects:
Target Organs: There is no data to hand indicating any particular target organs.

Classification of Hazardous Ingredients
Ingredient Risk Phrases
N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone: LD50 Oral, Rat 1483mg/kg LD50 Dermal, Rabbit = >2000mg/kg
LC50 Inhalation, Rat = >5.3mg/L/4hr
For Triadimenol:
Acute oral toxicity in rats: LD50 689 mg/kg in males 752 mg/kg in females
Acute dermal toxicity in rats: LD50 >5000 mg/kg
Acute inhalation toxicity in rats: LC50 >1.56 mg/L
Primary eye irritation in rabbit: Slight irritation
Dermal sensitization in guinea pigs: core minimum; no effect
Chronic studies: Triadimenol has been evaluated in the following studies: Mutagenicity, Reproduction effects,
Teratology. All proved negative.

Section 12 - Ecological Information
Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects to the aquatic environment. This product is not
biodegradable; it may accumulate in the soil or water and cause long term problems.
For Triadimenol:
Hydrolysis: STABLE. Triadimenol in sterile aqueous buffer solutions showed no apparent degradation at either
temperature or pH tested. Recovery was 97% greater after 32 days of incubation.
Soil Surface Photolysis: STABLE. Triadimenol appears to be stable to photolysis on the soil surface. Studies
indicate that Triadimenol photodegrades with a half-life of 36 hours in distilled water and 17 hours in a photo-
sensitized (acetone) solution.
Aerobic Soil Metabolism: STABLE. Studies indicate that Triadimenol has an estimated aerobic half-life of 8 to 9
months. Triadimenol reached a maximum level of 68% of that applied at 14掳C in 71 days and declined slightly to
45.2% by day 238. Consequently, the anaerobic half-life is considerably greater than 8-9 months.
Adsorption/Desorption: Because of its low adsorption coefficients, Triadimenol is shown to have a low to moderate
potential to bind to soil particles. Studies indicate that the adsorption coefficient, k, for Triadimenol ranged from 2.37
to 5.26. The k values for desorption ranged from 1.49 in a silty clay soil (0.49 ppm) to 9.12 in a loam soil (9.57 ppm).

Issued by: Farmoz Pty Ltd Phone: (02)9431 7800
Poisons Information Centre: 13 1126 from anywhere in Australia, (0800 764 766 in New Zealand)
Product Name: Farmoz Citadel Fungicide
Page: 5 of 6
This revision issued: November, 2006
Consequently, there is no correlation between adsorption and soil organic matter content. The highest degree of
adsorption was observed with the loam soil, intermediate in organic matter content. Environmental fate data
requirements have been satisfied with the exception of a field dissipation study.
Ecological Characteristics: Studies show that this chemical is practically non-toxic to birds, slightly toxic to fish and
moderately toxic to aquatic invertebrates. It is unlikely that the seed treatment use of Triadimenol will affect any
terrestrial or aquatic animals. Chronic effects are unlikely due to the low use rates and because the seed treatment
use requires incorporation of seeds into the soil. For the above reasons it is also unlikely that this use will affect any
endangered species.
Birds: Oral LD50 for bobwhite quail >2000mg/kg
Bees: nontoxic to honeybees
Fish: ECB50 rainbow trout: 3.47mg/L
Daphnia: EC50 (48hr) 8.5mg/L
Worms: LC50 for Eisenia foetida 772mg/kg dry soil
Algae: ErC50 for Scenedesmus subspicatus 3.7mg/L
Section 13 - Disposal Considerations
Disposal: There are many pieces of legislation covering waste disposal and they differ in each state and territory, so
each user must refer to laws operating in their area. In some areas, certain wastes must be tracked. The Hierarchy of
Controls seems to be common - the user should investigate: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle and only if all else fails
should disposal be considered. Note that properties of a product may change in use, so that the following suggestions
may not always be appropriate. The following may help you in properly addressing this matter for this product. Special
help is available for the disposal of Agricultural Chemicals. The product label will give general advice regarding
disposal of small quantities, and how to cleanse containers. However, for help with the collection of unwanted rural
chemicals, contact ChemClear 1800 008 182 and for help with the disposal of empty
drums, contact DrumMuster where you will find contact details for your area.

Section 14 - Transport Information
Hazchem Code: 2X
Special Provisions: SP179, SP274
Dangerous Goods Class: Class 9, Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods.
Packaging Group: III
Packaging Method: 3.8.9
Class 9 Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods shall not be loaded in the same vehicle or packed in the same freight
container with Classes 1 (Explosives), 5.1 (Oxidising Agents where the Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods are Fire
Risk Substances), 5.2 (Organic Peroxides where the Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods are Fire Risk Substances).
They may however be loaded in the same vehicle or packed in the same freight container with Classes 2.1
(Flammable Gases), 2.2 (Non-Flammable, Non-Toxic Gases), 2.3 (Toxic Gases), 3 (Flammable liquids), 4.1
(Flammable Solids), 4.2 (Spontaneously Combustible Substances), 4.3 (Dangerous When Wet Substances), 5.1
(Oxidising Agents except where the Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods are Fire Risk Substances), 5.2 (Organic
Peroxides except where the Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods are Fire Risk Substances), 6 (Toxic Substances), 7
(Radioactive Substances), 8 (Corrosive Substances), Foodstuffs and foodstuff empties.

Section 15 - Regulatory Information
AICS: All of the significant ingredients in this formulation are compliant with NICNAS regulations.
The following ingredients: Triadimenol, are mentioned in the SUSDP.

Section 16 - Other Information
This MSDS contains only safety-related information. For other data see product literature.
ADG Code Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail
AICS Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances
ASCC Office of the Australian Safety and Compensation Council
CAS number Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number
Hazchem Code Emergency action code of numbers and letters that provide information to
emergency services especially firefighters
IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer
NOS Not otherwise specified
NTP National Toxicology Program (USA)
Issued by: Farmoz Pty Ltd Phone: (02)9431 7800
Poisons Information Centre: 13 1126 from anywhere in Australia, (0800 764 766 in New Zealand)
Product Name: Farmoz Citadel Fungicide
Page: 6 of 6
This revision issued: November, 2006
R-Phrase Risk Phrase
SUSDP Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Drugs & Poisons
UN Number United Nations Number
Contact Points:
Call Farmoz on (02)9431 7800 and ask for the technical manager. Fax: (02)9431 7700
Police and Fire Brigade: Dial 000
Emergency contact: 1800 024 973 (24 hours)
If ineffective: Dial Poisons Information Centre
(13 1126 from anywhere in Australia)
The information contained in this Material Safety Data Sheet is provided in good faith and is believed to be correct at the date
hereof. However, it is expected that individuals receiving the information will exercise their independent judgement in determining
its appropriateness for a particular purpose. Farmoz Pty Ltd makes no representation as to the accuracy or comprehensiveness of
the information and to the full extent allowed by law excludes all liability whatsoever, whether with respect to negligence or
otherwise, for any loss or damage arising from or connection with the supply or use of the information in this Material Safety Data
Please read all labels carefully before using product.
This MSDS is prepared in accord with the ASCC document 鈥淣ational Code of Practice for the Preparation
of Material Safety Data Sheets鈥? 2nd Edition [NOHSC:2011(2003)]
Copyright 漏 Kilford & Kilford Pty Ltd, November, 2006. Phone (02)9251 4532

Issued by: Farmoz Pty Ltd Phone: (02)9431 7800
Poisons Information Centre: 13 1126 from anywhere in Australia, (0800 764 766 in New Zealand)

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