MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet


File Name: celanese_com---332-67102050.asp
產å“å稱:                                  Formaldehyde 37%/Methanol         9-12%, solution
MSDS 號碼: 155
æ料號碼: 80155
公佈日期� 06/28/2004

1. 產å“與公å¸è­˜åˆ¥è³‡æ–?

Product:37% 甲醛/9-12% 甲醇, 溶液
MSDS 號碼: 155

Celanese Pte Ltd
501 Orchard Road
Wheelock Place #11-01
Singapore 238880
Tel No: (65) 67331767

+ (65) 66639259 (Operations Room direct dial)
+ (65) 62656917 (Operations Room direct dial)
+ (65) 62650177(Switchboard, ask for Operations Room)

or fax request to
+(65) 62644190 (Facsimile to Operations Room)
+(65) 62664696 (Facsimile to Operations Room)

or email to

or Call CHEMTREC 703 527 3887 (USA), collect calls accepted
"+" = International Dialing Access Code


2. æˆåˆ†/æˆåˆ†è³‡æ–™

æˆåˆ†åŠåŒ–學文摘æœå‹™è™•è™Ÿç¢¼ é‡é‡% OSHA è¦å®šç‹?æ³?:
甲醛 50-00-0 37 - 37.5 å±éšª
甲醇 67-56-1 9 - 12 å±éšª
甲酸 64-18-6 .02 å±éšª

Water (CAS 7732-18-5), wt. %:50.5 - 54

An equilibrium mixture of formaldehyde, methanol, and water with the nominal composition listed above.


é‹è¼¸ç·Šæ?¥æƒ…æ³?:703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
1 of 17
產å“å稱: Formaldehyde 37%/Methanol 9-12%, solution
MSDS 號碼: 155
æ料號碼: 80155
公佈日期� 06/28/2004
3. å±éšªè­˜åˆ¥

長期åŠå復皮膚接觸å¯é€ æˆæ­»äº¡æˆ–失明ã??


外貌: é€æ˜Žã€ç„¡è‰²æ¶²é«”ã??
味é“: 強烈ã€åˆºé¼»ã?ç¨ç‰¹çš„氣味ã€?

暴露途徑: 皮膚ã€çœ¼ç›ã?å¸å…¥ã?嚥下ã??

皮膚: 會引起皮膚ç¼å‚·ã?? å¯èƒ½æœƒå¼•èµ·çš®è†šéŽæ•å應ã?? 如果從皮膚å¸æ”¶æœƒæœ‰å®³ã€?

眼ç›: 暴露於液é«? 會引起嚴é‡çœ¼ç›ç¼å‚·ã?æå‚·ä¸å¯é?†è½‰ã€? 暴露於氣é«? 會刺æ¿?眼ç›ã€?
暴露的徵ç‹?å¯èƒ½åŒ…括ï¹? 眼ç›åˆºæ¿€ã€ç¼ç‡’的感覺ã€ç—›ã€æµçœ¼æ·šå’?/或視力改變ã??

å¸å…¥: 會引起呼å¸é“刺激ã€? 如果å¸å…¥æœƒæå‚·ã?? å¯èƒ½æœƒå¼•èµ·éŽæ•å‘¼å¸å應ã??
中央神經系統壓抑æ‰?引起的嘔心ã?頭暈ã?é ­ç—›ã?木僵ã?ä¸å”調或奇怪的舉止或æ˜è¿·ã??
æµé¼»æ°´ã?嘶啞ã?咳嗽ã?胸痛和呼å¸å›°é›£ã€? 肺ç©æ°?(肺水è…?)—徵ç‹?å¯èƒ½å»¶é²æ•¸å°æ™‚ã??

嚥下: 會引起消化é“燒傷ã€? 如果嚥下會有害ã?? 暴露的徵ç‹?å¯èƒ½åŒ…括ï¹?
中央神經系統壓抑æ‰?引起的嘔心ã?頭暈ã?é ­ç—›ã?木僵ã?ä¸å”調或奇怪的舉止或æ˜è¿·ã??
嘔心ã€å˜”åã?失去食欲ã?刺æ¿?腸胃å’?/或腹瀉ã?? åš´é‡æå‚·å£ã?å–‰ã€é£Ÿç®¡å’Œ/或胃ã€?

生殖: 根據動物數據,å¯èƒ½æœƒå¼•èµ·ä¸è‰¯çš„生殖影響ã??


é‹è¼¸ç·Šæ?¥æƒ…æ³?:703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
2 of 17
產å“å稱: Formaldehyde 37%/Methanol 9-12%, solution
MSDS 號碼: 155
æ料號碼: 80155
公佈日期� 06/28/2004
致癌æ€?: 根據實驗室囓齒動物研究åŠæœ‰é™çš„人類數據,長期或é‡è¤‡å‘¼å¸ã?éŽåˆ†å—甲醛暴露å¯èƒ½
列為OSHA致癌物﹕ 被NTP列為é æœŸçš„致癌物
listed as carcinogenic to humans, IARC Group I, based on sufficient human
evidence for nasopharyngeal cancer and sufficient evidence in experimental

å°ç‰¹å®šå™¨å®˜çš„影響: éŽåº¦ï¼ˆé•·æœŸæˆ–å復)接觸å¯å°Žè‡´ï¼?
Nasal tract

ä¸?般èªç‚ºåœ¨æš´éœ²å¾Œæœƒä½¿ç—…情惡化的 呼å¸é?
ç—…æ³: 皮膚

有關詳情,åƒè¦?: ç¬?5部分 â€? æ»…ç«æŽªæ–½
ç¬?4部分 â€? 急救措施 ç¬?6部分 â€? æ„外釋放措施
ç¬?8部分 â€? 暴露控制/個人ä¿è­·
ç¬?9部分 â€? 物ç†èˆ‡åŒ–學特æ€?
ç¬?10部分 â€? 穩定性與å應æ€?

4. 急救措施

皮膚: ç«‹å³ç”¨å¤§é‡æ¸…水沖洗皮膚至å°?15分é˜ï¼Œä¸¦åŒæ™‚脫下污染的衣æœå’Œéž‹å­ã€‚ç«‹å³å°‹æ±‚æ²»ç™?

眼ç›: ç«‹å³ç”¨å¤§é‡æ¸…水沖洗眼ç›è‡³å°?15分é˜ã€‚如果有戴隱形眼é¡ä¸¦å¯ä»¥è¼•æ˜“å–下時,應將ä¹?

å¸å…¥: 移往空氣清新處ã?‚如果åœæ­¢å‘¼å¸ï¼Œæ‡‰æ–½äººå·¥å‘¼å¸ã€‚如果呼å¸å›°é›£ï¼Œæ‡‰çµ¦æ°§æ°£ã€‚è¯çµ¡é†«

嚥下: 切勿引起嘔å。立å³å°‹æ±‚治療ã?‚如果å—害è?…完全清醒,給他å–一æ¯æ°´ã€‚切勿餵æ˜è¿·çš?

醫生注æ„: è§?察延緩肺水腫ã€? 呼å¸é“暴露後å¯èƒ½æœƒå°Žè‡´åŒ–學肺炎ã??


é‹è¼¸ç·Šæ?¥æƒ…æ³?:703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
3 of 17
產å“å稱: Formaldehyde 37%/Methanol 9-12%, solution
MSDS 號碼: 155
æ料號碼: 80155
公佈日期� 06/28/2004
5. æ»…ç«æŽªæ–½

NFPA: Health: 3 Flammability: 2 Reactivity: 0


閃點(測試方法)� 56 C (133 F) to 64 C (147 F) (SETA)

上é™: 73 % (Formaldehyde)
36.5 % (Methanol at 25 deg C)
Not Applicable (Water)
下é™: 7 % (Formaldehyde)
5.5% (Methanol at 25 deg C)
Not Applicable (Water)

自動點燃溫度: 300 C (572 F) (Formaldehyde)
385 C (725 F) (Methanol)

燃燒產å“ï¼? ä¸?氧化碳ã??

æ»…ç«åª’介: 大ç«ä½¿ç”¨é…’精類的水溶æˆè†œæ³¡æ²«ã€? å°ç«ä½¿ç”¨äºŒæ°§åŒ–碳或乾化學å“ã??

消防說明 應用水冷å»æš´éœ²åœ¨ç«ä¸­çš„建築和槽ã?‚ç‘æ°´å¯ç”¨æ–¼é™ä½Žç«å‹¢ï¼Œä¸¦å°‡æº¢å‡ºç‰©ç¨?釋æˆä¸æ˜“ç‡?
全套消防è£å‚™å’ŒNIOSH核准的ç¨ç«‹å‘¼å¸è£å‚™ã?‚氧化化學å“在著ç«çš„情æ³ä¸‹å¯èƒ½æœƒåŠ é?Ÿç‡ƒ

消防環ä¿å•é¡Œ 溢出的水和蒸氣雲å¯èƒ½æœ‰è…è•æ?§ã?‚用堤並收集用於滅ç«çš„水,中和後æ‰é‡‹æ”¾ã??

6. æ„外釋放措施


é‹è¼¸ç·Šæ?¥æƒ…æ³?:703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
4 of 17
產å“å稱: Formaldehyde 37%/Methanol 9-12%, solution
MSDS 號碼: 155
æ料號碼: 80155
公佈日期� 06/28/2004
溢出或洩æ¼èªªæ˜? 排除點ç«æºã??
ä¿æŒåœ¨æœ€å°çš„範åœå…§ã?? 水霧æµå¯ä»¥æ¸›å°‘蒸氣ã??
應é¿å…æµå…¥ä¸‹æ°´é“åŠé?šå¾€æ°´é“çš„æºæ¸ ã?‚若州åŠåœ°æ–¹æœ‰è¦å®šï¼Œæ‡‰é?šçŸ¥åœ°æ–¹ç•¶å±€ã€‚將洩æ¼
的容器置於é?šé¢¨è‰¯å¥½è™•ã?? 使用氨基磺酸或é‡äºžç¡«é…¸éˆ‰ä¸­å’Œã€?

é›»ã?Œå…¨åœ‹å›žæ‡‰ä¸­å¿ƒã??(National Response Center) (800-424-
270 lbs. of the material as is; based on a Reportable Quantity of 100 lbs.
for formaldehyde.

é©…æ•£ä¸å¿…è¦åœ¨å ´çš„人;隔離å±éšªåœ°å€ä¸¦æ‹’絕任何人進入。ä¿æŒåœ¨è¿Žé¢¨çš„ä½ç½®ï¼›é¿é–‹ä½?
的地å?ã€? 如果ç«ç½æ¶‰åŠåˆ°é‹è¼¸ç½ã€ç«è»Šç½è»Šæˆ–å¡è»Šç½è»Šï¼Œæ‡‰åœ¨å„個方å‘上隔離800ç±?
如果情æ³æœ‰å¿…è¦æ‡‰æ’¤é›¢é †é¢¨åœ°å€ä»¥é é˜²æš´éœ²ï¼Œä¸¦è®“蒸氣或煙消散。æŸäº›æƒ…æ³çš„溢出ç‰?
å¯èƒ½ä½¿ç›¸ç•¶é è·é›¢çš„順風地å?暴露於有毒或å¯ç‡ƒç‡’的濃度ã€?

7. 處ç†èˆ‡å„²è—?

處ç†: 在é?šé¢¨è¶³å¤ çš„環境下使用ã€?

儲è—: ä¸ä½¿ç”¨æ™‚,將æ‰?有容器關緊ã?‚儲存在沒有陽光照射和ä¸å¯æ»²é€çš„地æ¿ä¸Šã??

8. 暴露控制/個人ä¿è­·

工程控制 ä¸?般或ç¨?釋é?šé¢¨ä½œç‚ºé›‡å“¡æš´éœ²çš„唯ä¸?控制方法通常是ä¸è¶³å¤ çš„ã?‚é?šå¸¸å„ªå…ˆé¸æ“‡çš„是å±?

皮膚ä¿è­·: ç©¿é?ä¸éŽçš„è¡£æœå’Œæ‰‹å¥—以便é é˜²æŽ¥è§¸ã?‚建議使用ä¸åŸºæ©¡è† ã?‚視情æ³ï¼Œå¦‚果有足夠的é™

眼ç›/臉部ä¿è­·: 如有å¯èƒ½æŽ¥è§¸çœ¼ç›æ™‚應戴化學護目é¡ã€?


é‹è¼¸ç·Šæ?¥æƒ…æ³?:703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
5 of 17
產å“å稱: Formaldehyde 37%/Methanol 9-12%, solution
MSDS 號碼: 155
æ料號碼: 80155
公佈日期� 06/28/2004
呼å¸é“ä¿è­?: 根據工作場所的污染程度åŠé˜²æ¯’é¢ç½©çš„工作é™åº¦ï¼Œä½¿ç”¨ç¶“ã?Œå…¨åœ‹è·æ¥­å®‰å…¨èˆ‡ä¿å¥å­¸æœƒ
HEPAç²’å­éŽæ¿¾å™¨ï¼Œä¸¦åŠ ç‰¹åˆ¥æ ¸å‡†ç”¨æ–¼é é˜²ç”²é†›çš„筒或濾毒ç½ï¼Œæˆ–罩蓋整å?‹è‡‰çš„電動空
氣淨化防毒é¢ç½©åŠHEPAç²’å­éŽæ¿¾å™¨ï¼Œä¸¦åŠ ç‰¹åˆ¥æ ¸å‡†ç”¨æ–¼é é˜²ç”²é†›çš„筒或濾毒ç½ã€‚空æ°?
尺寸ã€ç‰¹åˆ¥æ ¸å‡†ç”¨æ–¼é é˜²ç”²é†›ç‰¹åˆ¥æ ¸å‡†ç”¨æ–¼é é˜²ç”²é†›çš„濾毒ç½ã??

é‡é‡% ACGIH ACGIH ACGIH OSHA OSHA OSHA Celanese Mexico Mexico Mexico
處號ç¢? å­¸æ–‡æ‘˜æœ (工作場所
務處號碼 接觸é™åº¦)
甲醛 50-00-0 37 - 37.5 - - 0.3 ppm 0.75 ppm 2 ppm - 0.75 ppm - - 2 ppm
(TWA); 2
ppm (STEL)
甲醇 67-56-1 9 - 12 200 ppm 250 ppm - 200 ppm - - - 200 ppm 250 ppm -
甲酸 64-18-6 .02 5 ppm 10 ppm - 5 ppm - - - 5 ppm - -

æˆåˆ†åŠåŒ–學文摘æœå‹™è™•è™Ÿç¢¼ é‡é‡% 1990 NIOSH IDLH 1994 NIOSH IDLH
æˆåˆ†åŠåŒ–學文摘æœå‹™è™• (Recognized by OSHA)
甲醛 50-00-0 37 - 37.5 30 ppm 20 ppm
甲醇 67-56-1 9 - 12 25,000 PPM 6000 ppm
甲酸 64-18-6 .02 30 PPM 30 ppm

Comments: Celaneseå…¬å¸æ ¹æ“šå°æ‰€æœ‰ç¾æœ‰è³‡æ–™çš„科學評估,決定å°ç”²é†›ä¸æŽ¡ç”? ACGIH 上é™å€¼ã??
Celanese å…¬å¸å°ç”²é†‡æŽ¡ç”? ACGIH TLV ã€?

9. 物ç†å’ŒåŒ–學特æ€?

外貌: é€æ˜Žã€ç„¡è‰²æ¶²é«”ã??

味é“: 強烈ã€åˆºé¼»ã?ç¨ç‰¹çš„氣味ã€?
pH (1% soln in water @ 25 C): 3-6

Vapor Pressure: 25 mmHg @ 25 deg C

Vapor Density (Air=1 @ 20 C): Formaldehyde: 1.04 (calculated)
Water: 0.62 (calculated)
Methanol: 1.11 (calculated)


é‹è¼¸ç·Šæ?¥æƒ…æ³?:703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
6 of 17
產å“å稱: Formaldehyde 37%/Methanol 9-12%, solution
MSDS 號碼: 155
æ料號碼: 80155
公佈日期� 06/28/2004
Boiling Point (760 mmHgA): 96 C (204.8 F) - 97 C(206.6 F)

Freezing Point: åœ? 13 C (55 F)以下,固態甲醛èšåˆç‰©é€æ¼¸å½¢æˆã€‚冰æ™? åœ? 0
C (32 F)以下出ç¾ã€?

Solubility in Water @ 20 C: complete

Specific Gravity: 1.086 @ 25 deg C

Molecular Weight:: Formaldehyde: 30.0
Water: 18
Methanol: 32.0

10. 穩定性與å應æ€?

穩定�: 穩定�

應é¿å…的情æ³: é¿å…高熱ã€ç«ç„°ã?ç«èŠ±å’Œå…¶ä»–ç«æºã€?

應é¿å…çš„ææ–™: é¿å…接觸氫氧化鈉ã€çŸ³ç°å’Œå…¶å®ƒå¼·é¹¼ã€éˆ‰ã€é‰€å’Œå…¶å®ƒå¼·é¹¼é‡‘屬ã?鹽酸ã?硫酸和其它å¼?

å±éšªæ˜“燃或分解產å“?: 熱分解產å“å¯èƒ½å«æœ‰ç¢³çš„氧化物ã€?

å±éšªèšåˆä½œç”¨: ä¸æœƒç”¢ç”Ÿå±éšªçš„èšåˆä½œç”¨ã??

11. 毒�資�

Component Toxicological Information

æˆåˆ†åŠåŒ–學文摘æœå‹™è™•è™Ÿç¢¼ 甲醛


é‹è¼¸ç·Šæ?¥æƒ…æ³?:703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
7 of 17
產å“å稱: Formaldehyde 37%/Methanol 9-12%, solution
MSDS 號碼: 155
æ料號碼: 80155
公佈日期� 06/28/2004
Acute Exposure: Toxicity information on the solution is generally not
available. Information on the solution components is listed next.

Oral LD50: 800mg/kg (rats); slightly toxic to animals.

Inhalation LC50: 474ppm (rats,4 hrs.); moderately toxic to animals.

Skin: Severely irritating/corrosive to rabbit skin depending on exposure
duration and concentration; moderately toxic to animals (LD50, rabbits:
270mg/kg); causes skin sensitization in humans and guinea pigs.

Eye: Severely irritating to rabbit eyes.


é‹è¼¸ç·Šæ?¥æƒ…æ³?:703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
8 of 17
產å“å稱: Formaldehyde 37%/Methanol 9-12%, solution
MSDS 號碼: 155
æ料號碼: 80155
公佈日期� 06/28/2004
Mutagenicity: Genotoxic potential was noted in a variety of in vitro
systems. Results in vivo have been mixed probably due to the presence of
metabolic processes for detoxifying.

Carcinogenicity: Oral-Formaldehyde was not carcinogenic in several well-
conducted rodent lifetime drinking water studies. Repeated dermal-topical
application on mice has not indicated carcinogenic potential. Inhalation-
Rats and mice were exposed to 2.0, 5.6, or 14.3 ppm formaldehyde for
6hrs/day, 5 days/week for 24 months. In rats no treatment-related tumors
were seen at 2 ppm while at 5.6 ppm 1% had nasal tumors and at 14.3 ppm
43% had nasal tumors. In mice no treatment-related tumors were observed
at 2 ppm or 5.6 ppm while 1% had nasal tumors at 14.3 ppm. IARC: Group I,
Carcinogenic to Humans, based on sufficient human (nasopharyngeal cancer)
and experimental animal data. Formaldehyde is listed as an OSHA
carcinogen. Formaldehyde is listed as an anticipated carcinogen by the

Hauptmann, et. al. (2004) have reported a statistically significant dose-
related increase in the incidence of nasopharyngeal tumors in a large
cohort of formaldehyde exposed workers. In another study by Hauptmann,
et. al. (2003) based upon the same cohort, a statistically significant
dose-related increase of leukemia mortality was observed. However, this
increase was seen only for a peak exposure metric and the rate of leukemia
mortality was less than that of the unexposed general population. In
addition, the Hauptmann et. al. (2003) results are not consistent with the
findings of Coggon et. al. (2003). Coggon et. al. found no association
between formaldehyde exposure and leukemia incidence in a large cohort of
U.K. workers with estimated formaldehyde exposures higher than the
Hauptmann et. al. (2003) study. A recent NIOSH study (Pinkerton, et. al.
2004) based on a cohort of formaldehyde exposed garment workers reported
only a marginal association with leukemia incidence. Experimental data
linking formaldehyde exposure with toxicity in organs, including the bone
marrow, remote from the portal of entry is lacking. Also, an established
mechanism for induction of leukemia by formaldehyde is not available.
Furthermore, formaldehyde inhalation by rats in several well-conducted
cancer bioassays did not induce leukemia.

Reproductive/Developmental Effects: In a developmental toxicity study with
mice dosed orally by gavage at 74, 148 or 185 mg/kg/day, no fetotoxic or
teratogenic effects were seen. In a developmental toxicity study with
rats exposed via inhalation to 2, 5 or 10ppm formaldehyde, treat-related
developmental effects were not observed. In a reproduction study, dogs
received the equivalent of 9.4 mg/kg/day of formaldehyde in feed during
days 4-56 after mating without adverse reproductive effects.


é‹è¼¸ç·Šæ?¥æƒ…æ³?:703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
9 of 17
產å“å稱: Formaldehyde 37%/Methanol 9-12%, solution
MSDS 號碼: 155
æ料號碼: 80155
公佈日期� 06/28/2004
Repeated Exposure: Inhalation exposure (6hrs./day;5 days/week;13 weeks)
of rats resulted in nasal tissue irritation at 10 or 20ppm, but not at
2ppm. Monkeys exposed for 26 weeks (22hrs./day;7 days/week) had nasal
irritation at 3ppm but not at 1ppm. Oral exposure of rats to formaldehyde
in the drinking water at a dose equivalent to 82-109 mg/kg/day over a
lifetime resulted in stomach tissue irritation while a dose of 15-21
mg/kg/day was without effect.
æˆåˆ†åŠåŒ–學文摘æœå‹™è™•è™Ÿç¢¼ 甲醇
Acute Exposure: Toxicity information on the solution is generally not
available. Information on the solution components is listed next.

Oral LD50: 6.2-12.9g/kg (rats); practically nontoxic to animals. However,
based on human exposure reports, a small amount (usually two or more
ounces) can cause mental sluggishness, nausea and vomiting leading to
severe illness, and may produce adverse effects on vision with possible
blindness or death if treatment is not received.

Inhalation LC50: 64000ppm (rats,4 hrs.); practically nontoxic to animals.
Based on human exposure reports, levels substantially above the TLV cause
stupor, headache, nausea, dizziness, unconsciousness and may produce
adverse effects on vision.

Skin: Irritating to rabbit skin. Severity depends on the quantity
administered and exposure period and is related to the defatting
properties of methanol; slightly toxic to animals (minimum lethal dose,
monkeys: 1.6g/kg; LD50, rabbits:16g/kg). Based on human exposure reports,
prolonged and repeated skin contact with methanol-soaked material has
produced toxic effects including vision effects and death.

Eye: Severely irritating to rabbit eyes.


é‹è¼¸ç·Šæ?¥æƒ…æ³?:703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
10 of 17
產å“å稱: Formaldehyde 37%/Methanol 9-12%, solution
MSDS 號碼: 155
æ料號碼: 80155
公佈日期� 06/28/2004
Mutagenicity: Methanol - Not genotoxic in most in vitro assays. Not
genotoxic in vivo in mice exposed via inhalation up to 4000ppm (6hrs./day
for 5 days) and subsequently examined for cytogenetic effects.

Carcinogenicity: Methanol - Inhalation-Not carcinogenic in lifetime
inhalation studies (reported in limited detail) in rats and mice at
concentrations of 10-1000ppm. Dermal-Not carcinogenic in mice exposed
dermally to 0.02ml/day, 2 days/week over a lifetime in a study of limited

Reproductive/Developmental Effects: Methanol - In an inhalation
developmental toxicity study, rats were exposed 6hrs./day to 5000, 10000
or 20000ppm vapors. A significant teratogenic response was seen at
20000ppm. Fetotoxicity was noted at 10000ppm, but not at 5000ppm. In an
inhalation developmental toxicity study, mice were exposed 7hrs./day to
2000, 5000 or 10000ppm vapors. Methanol caused developmental toxicity at
all levels. Oral administration of methanol via gavage at 1.3, 2.6 or 5.2
ml/kg to rats resulted in developmental toxicity at all levels.

Repeated Exposure: Methanol - Inhalation exposure (6hrs./day; 5days/week)
of monkeys to vapor concentrations of 500, 2000 or 5000ppm for 4 weeks did
not result in any treatment-related effects. Monkeys exposed to methanol
vapors of 10, 100 or 1000ppm for 22hrs./day for up to 2.5yrs. showed
changes in the liver, kidney and nervous system at 1000ppm (limited
details reported). Rats exposed by oral gavage to 100, 500 or
2500mg/kg/day methanol for 90days exhibited only effects on organ weight
(brain) and serum enzymes (SGPT,AP) at the high dose.

æˆåˆ†åŠåŒ–學文摘æœå‹™è™•è™Ÿç¢¼ 甲酸


é‹è¼¸ç·Šæ?¥æƒ…æ³?:703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
11 of 17
產å“å稱: Formaldehyde 37%/Methanol 9-12%, solution
MSDS 號碼: 155
æ料號碼: 80155
公佈日期� 06/28/2004
Acute Exposure: The toxicity of formic acid in concentrated form is
related to its irritant properties at the site of contact, e.g., nasal
passage irritation after inhalation exposure; skin irritation after dermal
exposure; gastrointestinal irritation after oral exposure (bolus
administration). As is the case for many acids, toxicity (irritation)
decreases as the concentration in aqueous solutions decreases. Formic
acid occurs in a variety of plants, fruits and mammalian tissues. It is
an important, normal body metabolite. Its safety as a food ingredient has
been reviewed by the FDA.

Oral LD50: 1100-1850 mg/kg (rats); slightly toxic to animals.

Inhalation LC50: Estimated to be >500 ppm (rats,6 hrs.) based on 60%
survival of rats exposed to 500 ppm for 10 days; slightly toxic to
animals. Vapors are severely irritating to the respiratory tract based on
human exposure information.

Skin: Concentrated solutions of formic acid are corrosive to skin.

Eye: Concentrated solutions of formic acid are corrosive to the eyes.
Vapors are severely irritating to the eyes.

Mutagenicity: Formic acid was not mutagenic in the Ames Test with or
without metabolic activation. It did not induce sister-chromatid
exchanges, with or without metabolic activation, in hamster V79 cells.
Positive results were reported for formic acid in the Drosophila SLRL test
and in tests for chromosomal aberrations in Chinese hamster ovary cells.
However, in both tests it was noted that neutralizing the acidic pH of the
test environment eliminated the mutagenic responses. It was concluded
that formic acid by itself is not mutagenic, but that testing at
concentrations which produce nonphysiological pH levels results in "false
positive" responses due to perturbations in the test systems. The weight
of the evidence indicates that formic acid is not mutagenic.

Carcinogenicity: No information.

Reproductive/Developmental Effects: To screen for potential reproductive
toxicity, sperm morphology/density/motility and vaginal cytology
examinations were performed on rats and mice administered formic acid at
0, 8, 32 or 128 ppm via inhalation (6 hrs./day; 5 days/week) for 13 weeks.
Potential impact on the length of the estrous cycle was also monitored.
There were no adverse effects in rats or mice.


é‹è¼¸ç·Šæ?¥æƒ…æ³?:703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
12 of 17
產å“å稱: Formaldehyde 37%/Methanol 9-12%, solution
MSDS 號碼: 155
æ料號碼: 80155
公佈日期� 06/28/2004
Repeated Exposure: Inhalation exposure (6hrs./day; 5days/week) of rats and
mice was conducted at vapor concentrations of 0, 31, 62.5, 125, 250 or 500
ppm for 2 weeks. At 500 ppm, 60% survival was reported for rats. At 500
ppm and 250 ppm, the survival rates for mice were 0% and 90%,
respectively. No deaths were reported at other dose levels. Microscopic
examination of tissues revealed irritation of the nasal passages in rats
and mice exposed to 62.5 ppm and higher concentrations. Severity
increased in a dose-related manner. This was a range-finding study to set
dose levels for the 13-week study discussed next.

Inhalation exposure (6hrs./day; 5days/week) of rats and mice was
conducted at vapor concentrations of 0, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128 ppm for 13
weeks. At 128 ppm, 85% survival was reported for mice. No other effects
were noted on survival at other dose levels. Microscopic examination of
tissues revealed irritation of the nasal passages (minimal to mild
severity) primarily in animals exposed to 128 ppm. The NOAEL (no-
observed-adverse-effect level) was 32 ppm.

Formic acid was administered orally to rats in drinking water for 2 to 27
weeks at doses of 8.2, 10.2, 90, 160 or 360 mg/kg/day. No mortalities
were reported. Food consumption and growth were inhibited by formic acid
at 360 mg/kg/day, but no adverse effects were seen at the lower doses. In
another study, lower weight gain was reported in rats receiving formic
acid in the diet at 0.5 and 1.0% or in drinking water at 0.5 or 1.0%.

12. 生態資料

Component Ecological Information

æˆåˆ†åŠåŒ–學文摘æœå‹™è™•è™Ÿç¢¼ 甲醛
Ecotoxicity: Formaldehyde exhibits slight acute toxicity to various fish
species. The 24-, 48- and 96-hr. LC50 values (bluegill sunfish, trout,
bass, salmon, catfish, carp, golden orfe) are in the range 10-1000ppm.
Algae and some invertebrates appear more susceptible e.g., acute toxicity
occurs in green algae at 0.3-0.5ppm and in the water flea (daphnids) at 2-
52ppm (24/48-hr. EC50). Formaldehyde has bactericidal properties at low
levels (EC50, E. coli=1ppm).


é‹è¼¸ç·Šæ?¥æƒ…æ³?:703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
13 of 17
產å“å稱: Formaldehyde 37%/Methanol 9-12%, solution
MSDS 號碼: 155
æ料號碼: 80155
公佈日期� 06/28/2004
Environmental Fate: The short atmospheric half-life, the low n-
octanol/water partition coefficient and the ability of animals &
microorganisms to rapidly biodegrade formaldehyde are expected to lead to
its ready removal if released into the environment.
Degradation: Formaldehyde in aqueous effluent is degraded by activated
sludge and sewage in 48-72 hr. In a die-away test with lake water,
degradation was complete in 30 hrs. under aerobic conditions and 48 hrs.
under anaerobic conditions. Atmospheric photochemical degradation is
rapid with estimated half-lives of 19hrs. or less.

Bioaccumulation: The log n-octanol/water partition coefficient is 0.35.
This suggests that formaldehyde has relatively low potential to

æˆåˆ†åŠåŒ–學文摘æœå‹™è™•è™Ÿç¢¼ 甲醇
Ecotoxicity: Toxicity information on the solution is generally not
available. Information on solution components is listed next.

Methanol exhibits low acute toxicity to aquatic species. The 24-, 48- and
96-hr. LC50 values for various fish species (bluegill sunfish, fathead
minnows, rainbow trout, goldfish, carp, bleak, creek chub) are in the
range 1700-28100ppm. The 18-, 24- and 48-hr. EC50 values for the water
flea (daphnids) are in the range 10000-24500ppm. The 18-hr. LC50 for
grass shrimp is 21900ppm and the 24-hr. LC50 for brine shrimp is
>10000ppm. Cell multiplication was inhibited after 8 days exposure to
8000ppm and 530ppm in the green algae (Scenedesmus quadricauda) and blue-
green algae (Anacystis aeruginosa), respectively.

Environmental Fate: The ability of animals and microorganisms to rapidly
biodegrade methanol coupled with its low n-octanol/water partition
coefficient is expected to lead to its rapid removal if released into the

Degradation: Under aerobic conditions methanol is readily biodegradable.
The 5-Day BOD values are 48-83% of COD. Biodegradation also occurs under
anaerobic conditions, e.g. 83-91% degradation in a marine water/sediment
system after 3 days. Atmospheric photochemical degradation (half-life) is
estimated to be be 17.8days. Volatilization half-lives of 4.8days and
51.7days have been estimated for a model river and a model pond,

Bioaccumulation: The log n-octanol/water partition coefficient for
methanol is -0.77. This suggests that methanol has low potential to
æˆåˆ†åŠåŒ–學文摘æœå‹™è™•è™Ÿç¢¼ 甲酸


é‹è¼¸ç·Šæ?¥æƒ…æ³?:703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
14 of 17
產å“å稱: Formaldehyde 37%/Methanol 9-12%, solution
MSDS 號碼: 155
æ料號碼: 80155
公佈日期� 06/28/2004
Ecotoxicity: Formic acid exhibits low to slight acute toxicity to aquatic

Fish (Leuciscus idus) 48-hr. LC50 = 122 ppm.
Fish (Leuciscus idus) 96-hr. LC50 = 46 to100 ppm.
Fish (Lepomis gibbosus) 24-hr. LC50 = 175 to 5000 ppm.

Crustacean (Daphnia magna) 48-hr. EC50 = 120 to 151.2 ppm.
Crustacean (Daphnia magna Straus) 24-hr. EC50 = 34.2 ppm.
Crustacean (Daphnia magna Straus) 48-hr. EC50 = 34.2 ppm.

Arthropod (Artemia salina) 24-hr. LC50 = 410 ppm.

Algae (Scenedesmus quadricauda) 96-hr. Toxicity Threshold = 100 ppm.
Algae (Scenedesmus subspicatus) 72-hr. EC50 = 26.9 ppm.
Algae (Scenedesmus subspicatus) 96-hr. EC50 = 25 ppm.

Bacteria (Escherichia coli) 24-hr. NOEC = 1000 ppm.
Bacteria (Pseudomonas putida) 17-hr. EC50 = 46.7 ppm.
Bacteria (Belebtschlamm species) 30-min. EC0 = 1000 ppm.

Environmental Fate:

Degradation: Formic acid was determined to be "readily biodegradable" in
two separate aerobic tests according to OECD Guideline 301 E: Ready
Biodegradability: Modified OECD Screening Test. In six other aerobic
tests using various methods, biodegradation of formic acid ranged from
40.5 to 80.5 percent after 5 days. Seventy percent aerobic biodegradation
occurred after only 1 day using the Warburg technique with activated
sludge. Photodegradation (indirect photolysis) of formic acid occurs in
air and water. The half-life in air is 35.7 days. The half-life in water
is 0.9 year.

Bioaccumulation: The calculated values for the log octanol/water partition
coefficient of formic acid range from -1.55 to -0.22. The measured log
octanol/water partition coefficient is -0.54. These data indicate that
formic acid has low potential to bioaccumulate.


é‹è¼¸ç·Šæ?¥æƒ…æ³?:703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
15 of 17
產å“å稱: Formaldehyde 37%/Methanol 9-12%, solution
MSDS 號碼: 155
æ料號碼: 80155
公佈日期� 06/28/2004
13. 丟棄時的注æ„事項

此資料僅應用在所製é? çš„æ料;加工ã?使用或污染å¯èƒ½æœƒä½¿æœ¬è³‡æ–™ä¸é©ç•¶ã€ä¸æ­£ç¢ºæˆ–ä¸å®Œæ•´ã€?


環境ä¿è­·å±?å±éšªå»¢æ–™ä»£ç¢¼ï¹? U122

14. é‹è¼¸è³‡æ–™

US Department of Transportation:
UN/NA Number: UN 1198
Hazard class: 3
Subsidiary hazard: 8
Packing Group: PG III
DOT Reportable Quantity (RQ): 100 lb/45.4 kg (FORMALDEHYDE)
5000 lb/2270 kg (METHANOL)
Emergency Response Guide: 132

IATA UN Number: UN 1198
Hazard Classification: 3
Subsidiary Hazard: 8
Packing group: III
Label: (Flammable Liquid) Corrosive

International Marine UN Number: UN 1198
Hazard Class: 3
Subsidiary Hazard: 8
Packing Group: III
閃點(測試方法)� 56 C (133 F) to 64 C (147 F) (SETA)


é‹è¼¸ç·Šæ?¥æƒ…æ³?:703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
16 of 17
產å“å稱: Formaldehyde 37%/Methanol 9-12%, solution
MSDS 號碼: 155
æ料號碼: 80155
公佈日期� 06/28/2004
Trade Information
Schedule B Code (export): 2912.11.0000
Harmonization Code (import): 29121100

15. 法è¦è³‡æ–™


16. 其它資料

æ供單ä½: 產å“指導éƒ?
Celanese å…¬å¸

å±éšªç­‰ç´š 本資料僅供經NFPA å’?/æˆ? HMIS 系統訓練的人員使用ã??

NFPA: Health: 3 Flammability: 2 Reactivity: 0

HMIS: Health: 3* Flammability: 2 Reactivity: 0

下列資料是最新版本MSDS出版後的 The following sections have been revised since the last issue of this
修正: MSDS.

9. 物ç†å’ŒåŒ–學特æ€? 3. å±éšªè­˜åˆ¥ 11. 毒æ?§è³‡æ–?
å…¬å¸ä¸æ供任何明確或暗示之ä¿ç”¨ã?‚其它ææ–™å¯åŠ é‡æœ¬æ料的å±éšªæ€§ï¼Œæœ¬æ料亦å¯åŠ é‡æˆ–增加其它æ料的å±éšªæ?§ã?‚本ææ–™å¯å¾žç›´æŽ¥
或間接由其製æˆçš„氣體ã€æ¶²é«”或固體æ料中釋出ã?‚使用è?…å°ç¢ºå®šæœ¬æ料是å¦é©æ–¼ä»»ä½•ä½¿ç”¨åŠæ‰?計劃的使用方å¼è² å®Œå…¨è²¬ä»»ã€‚使用è??


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