MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet


File Name: celanese_com---250-57009887.asp
Nama produk: Product name:     Celvol餂?, Polyvinyl alcohol
Nombor MSDS: MSDS number: 465
Nombor bahan: Material number: 80465
Tarikh diterbitkan: Published 12/05/2005


1. Pengenalan Produk dan Syarikat
1. Product and Company Identification

Produk: Product: Celvol庐 Polyvinyl alcohol
Nombor MSDS: MSDS number: 465
Nombor bahan: Material number: 80465

Celanese Pte Ltd
501 Orchard Road
Wheelock Place #11-01
Singapore 238880
Tel No: (65) 67331767

Nombor telefon kecemasan pengangkutan:
+ (65) 66639259 (Operations Room direct dial)
+ (65) 62656917 (Operations Room direct dial)
+ (65) 62650177(Switchboard, ask for Operations Room)

or fax request to
+(65) 62644190 (Facsimile to Operations Room)
+(65) 62664696 (Facsimile to Operations Room)

or email to

or Call CHEMTREC 703 527 3887 (USA), collect calls accepted
"+" = International Dialing Access Code


Kecemasan pengangkutan:
Transportation emergency: 703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
1 of 19
Nama produk: Product name: Celvol餂?, Polyvinyl alcohol
Nombor MSDS: MSDS number: 465
Nombor bahan: Material number: 80465
Tarikh diterbitkan: Published 12/05/2005

2. Komposisi/ Maklumat tentang Ramuan
2. Composition / Information on Ingredients

Komponen No. CAS % Berat Status kawalselia
Component CAS Number Percent % OSHA:
OSHA hazard
Acetic acid ethenyl ester, polymer with ethenol 25213-24-5 92 Berbahaya

The following specific grades of Celvol are covered by this MSDS:

Celvol 711, Polyvinyl alcohol
Celvol 805, Polyvinyl alcohol
Celvol 818, Polyvinyl alcohol
Celvol 823, Polyvinyl alcohol
Celvol 830, Polyvinyl alcohol
Celvol 840, Polyvinyl alcohol
Celvol 831, Polyvinyl alcohol

Specific technical information on a Celvol grade should be obtained from the sales specification sheet available

3. Pengenalan Bahaya
3. Hazards Identification


Kecemasan pengangkutan:
Transportation emergency: 703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
2 of 19
Nama produk: Product name: Celvol餂?, Polyvinyl alcohol
Nombor MSDS: MSDS number: 465
Nombor bahan: Material number: 80465
Tarikh diterbitkan: Published 12/05/2005
Gambaran Menyeluruh Kecemasan:
Emergency Overview:


鈥? Boleh menyebabkan kerengsaan mata.
鈥? May cause eye irritation.

鈥? Habuk daripada produk ini boleh membentuk kepulan habuk organik yang mudah meledak.
鈥? Dust from this product can form an explosive organic dust cloud.

Perihalan produk
Product Description

Rupa: White granulated powder
Odor: Tak berbau.

Kesan kesihatan yang berpotensi berlaku
Potential health effects
Laluan pendedahan: Kulit, mata, dihidu, ditelan.
Routes of exposure: Skin, eyes, inhalation, ingestion.

Kesan serta merta
Immediate effects:

Kulit: Pada asasnya tidak merengsa.
Skin: Essentially non-irritating.


Kecemasan pengangkutan:
Transportation emergency: 703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
3 of 19
Nama produk: Product name: Celvol餂?, Polyvinyl alcohol
Nombor MSDS: MSDS number: 465
Nombor bahan: Material number: 80465
Tarikh diterbitkan: Published 12/05/2005

Mata: boleh menyebabkan kerengsaan mata.
Eyes: May cause eye irritation.

Gejala pendedahan mungkin termasuk: Symptoms of exposure may include:

kerengsaan mata atau rasa terbakar.
Eye irritation or burning sensation.

Dihidu: Boleh menyebabkan menyebabkan kerengsaan trek pernafasan.
Inhalation: May cause respiratory tract irritation.

Gejala pendedahan mungkin termasuk: Symptoms of exposure may include:

lelehan hidung, suara garau, batuk-batuk, sakit dada dan kesukaran bernafas.
Nasal discharge, hoarseness, coughing, chest pain and breathing difficulty.

Ditelan: Pada asasnya tidak toksik berdasarkan sifat komponennya.
Ingestion: Essentially non-toxic based on components.

Gejala pendedahan mungkin termasuk: Symptoms of exposure may include:

radang mulut, tekak, esofagus dan/atau perut.
Inflammation of mouth, throat, esophagus and/or stomach.

Pembiakan: Tiada bukti kesan pembiakan.
Reproductive: No evidence of reproductive effects.

Karsinogenik: Polivinil Alkohol adalah:
Carcinogenic: Polyvinyl Alcohol is:

Disenaraikan sebagai tidak terklasifikasi tentang kekarsinogenannya kepada
manusia, IACR Kumpulan 3:
listed as unclassifiable as to carcinogenicity in humans, IARC Group 3

Mutagenik: Tidak menunjukkan potensi mutagenik dalam kebanyakan ujian in vitro.
Mutagenic: Does not show mutatgenic potential in most in vitro tests.
Tidak menunjukkan potensi mutagen dalam cerakin mikronukleus in vivo.
Does not show mutagenic potential in the micronucleus assay in vivo.

Kecemasan pengangkutan:
Transportation emergency: 703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
4 of 19
Nama produk: Product name: Celvol餂?, Polyvinyl alcohol
Nombor MSDS: MSDS number: 465
Nombor bahan: Material number: 80465
Tarikh diterbitkan: Published 12/05/2005

Kesan pada organ sasaran: 鈥? Pendedahan terlampau (pendadahan berpanjangan atau berulang kali)
Target Organ Effects: boleh menyebabkan:
鈥? Overexposure (prolonged or repeated exposure) may cause:

Kerengsaan trek pernafasan
Irritation of the respiratory tract

Kerengsaan trek pencernaan
Irritation of the digestive tract

Kerengsaan setempat di bahagian yang terdedah
Local irritation at the site of exposure

Keadaan perubatan yang Pendedahan yang banyak kepada bahan kimia ini boleh memberikan kesan
umumnya diketahui bertambah buruk terhadap orang yang menghidap penyakit akut atau kronik pada organ-
buruk oleh pendedahan: organ berikut:
Medical Conditions which may be Significant exposure to this chemical may adversely affect people with acute or
Aggravated by Exposure: chronic disease of the:

Saluran pernafasan
Respiratory Tract


Saluran pencernaan
Digestive tract

Bagi mendapatkan maklumat
lanjut, lihat: Bahagian 4 - Langkah-Langkah Pertolongan Cemas
For further information, see: Bahagian 5 - Langkah-Langkah Memadam Kebakaran
Bahagian 6 - Langkah-Langkah Pembebasan Tidak Sengaja
Bahagian 8 - Kawalan Pendedahan / Perlindungan Diri
Bahagian 9 - Sifat-Sifat Fizikal dan Kimia
Bahagian 10 - Kestabilan dan Kereaktifan

Section 4 - First Aid Measures
Section 5 - Fire Fighting Measures
Section 6 - Accidental Release Measures
Section 8 - Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Section 9 - Physical and Chemical Properties
Section 10 - Stability and Reactivity


Kecemasan pengangkutan:
Transportation emergency: 703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
5 of 19
Nama produk: Product name: Celvol餂?, Polyvinyl alcohol
Nombor MSDS: MSDS number: 465
Nombor bahan: Material number: 80465
Tarikh diterbitkan: Published 12/05/2005

4. Langkah-Langkah Pertolongan Cemas
4. First Aid Measures

Kulit: Siram kulit atau mata serta merta dengan air yang banyak selama sekurang-
Skin: kurangnya 15 minit sambil menanggalkan pakaian dan kasut yang tercemar.
Dapatkan rawatan perubatan. Basuh pakaian sebelum menggunakannya
semula. Musnahkan kasut yang tercemar.
Immediately flush skin or eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while
removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention. Wash clothing
before reuse. Destroy contaminated shoes.

Mata: Serta merta siram mata dengan air yang banyak selama sekurang-kurangnya
Eyes: 15 minit. Jika mudah, tanggalkan kanta lekap yang dipakai. Dapatkan
perhatian perubatan.
Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. If easy to do,
remove contact lenses, if worn. Get medical attention.

Dihidu: Pindahkan ke tempat berudara bersih. Jika tidak bernafas, berikan bantuan
Inhalation: pernafasan. Jika sukar bernafas, berikan oksigen and dapatkan perhatian
Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult,
give oxygen and get medical attention.

Ditelan: Jika bahan ini ditelan dalam jumlah yang banyak, panggil doktor dengan serta
Ingestion: merta. JANGAN dipaksa muntah kecuali diarahkan oleh kakitangan perubatan.
Jangan berikan apa-apa melalui mulut kepada orang yang tidak sedar.
Dapatkan perhatian perubatan.
If large quantities of this material are swallowed, call a physician immediately. Do
NOT induce vomiting unless directed to do so by a physician. Never give anything
by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention.

5. Langkah-Langkah Memadam Kebakaran
5. Fire Fighting Measures

NFPA: Health: 1 Flammability: 1 Reactivity: 0

Sifat-sifat mudah menyala
Flammable properties


Kecemasan pengangkutan:
Transportation emergency: 703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
6 of 19
Nama produk: Product name: Celvol餂?, Polyvinyl alcohol
Nombor MSDS: MSDS number: 465
Nombor bahan: Material number: 80465
Tarikh diterbitkan: Published 12/05/2005
Takat kilat (kaedah ujian): None
Flash point (test method):

Had mudah menyala, Dalam udara, % mengikut isipadu
Flammable limits in air, % by volume:
Atas: Not Applicable
Not Applicable

Suhu swapencucuhan: Not Applicable
Autoignition temperature:

Hasil Pembakaran: Karbon Monoksida.
Products of combustion: Carbon Monoxide.

Media pemadam: Gunakan busa pembentuk selaput akueus jenis alkohol bagi kebakaran besar.
Extinguishing Media: Use alcohol type aqueous film forming foam for large fires.

Gunakan CO2 atau kimia kering bagi kebakaran kecil.
Use CO2 or dry chemical for small fires.

Petunjuk Memadam Kebakaran
Fire Fighting Instructions Kakitangan hendaklah dipindahkan dan dipastikan berada di atas arah tiupan
angin ke api. Jika ada kemungkinan pendedahan kepada wap atau produk
pembakaran, pakai pakaian bomba yang lengkap serta alat pernafasan
swalengkap yang diluluskan NIOSH. Bahan kimia yang mengoksida mungkin
mencepatkan kadar pembakaran dalam keadaan kebakaran.
Keep personnel removed from and upwind of fire. If potential for exposure to vapors
or products of combustion exists, wear full fire fighting turnout gear and NIOSH
approved self-contained breathing apparatus. Oxidizing chemicals may accelerate
the burning rate in a fire situation.

Persoalan Alam Sekitar Semasa
Memadam Kebakaran Kelengkapan pakaian bunker dan peralatan memadam kebakaran yang lain
Fire Fighting Environmental hendaklah dibersihkan daripada pencemaran sebelum digunakan semula.
Concerns Thoroughly decontaminate bunker gear and other fire-fighting equipment before re-


Kecemasan pengangkutan:
Transportation emergency: 703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
7 of 19
Nama produk: Product name: Celvol餂?, Polyvinyl alcohol
Nombor MSDS: MSDS number: 465
Nombor bahan: Material number: 80465
Tarikh diterbitkan: Published 12/05/2005

6. Langkah-Langkah Pembebasan Tidak Sengaja
6. Accidental Release Measures

Petunjuk Tumpahan atau
Kebocoran Lihat peralatan perlindungan diri di Bahagian 8. Tumpahan hendaklah
Spill or Leak Instructions ditampung dengan benteng tanah atau bahan penyerap yang tidak mudah
menyala bagi mengurangkan kawasan yang tercemar.
See Section 8 for appropriate personal protective equipment. Contain spill with dikes
of soil or nonflammable absorbent to minimize contaminated area.

Hindarkan pengaliran ke dalam pembetung dan parit yang membawa ke
saluran air. Jika dikehendaki, maklumkan pihak berkuasa negeri dan tempatan.
Letakkan bekas yang bocor di kawasan yang sempurna pengudaraannya.
Avoid run-off into storm sewers and ditches leading to waterways. If required, notify
state and local authorities. Place leaking containers in well-ventilated area.

Bersihkan tumpahan dengan cara menyapu.
Clean up spills by sweeping.

Orang yang tidak perlu jangan dibiarkan dekat; pencilkan kawasan bahaya dan
jangan benarkan masuk.
Keep unnecessary people away; isolate hazard area and deny entry.

7. Penanganan dan Penyimpanan
7. Handling and Storage

Penanganan: Gunakan dengan pengudaraan memadai. Bekas hendaklah sentiasa ditutup
Handling: apabila tidak digunakan. Jangan menyedut habuknya. Jangan
membangkitkan terlalu banyak habuk. Hindarkan daripada terkena mata, kulit
atau pakaian. Basuh tubuh bersih-bersih dengan sabun dan air setelah
menanganinya. Pakaian yang terjejas hendaklah dibersihkan daripada
pencemaran sebelum digunakan semula.
Use with adequate ventilation. Keep containers closed when not in use. Avoid
breathing dust. Avoid generation of excess dust. Avoid contact with eyes, skin or
clothing. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. Decontaminate
affected clothing thoroughly before reuse.


Kecemasan pengangkutan:
Transportation emergency: 703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
8 of 19
Nama produk: Product name: Celvol餂?, Polyvinyl alcohol
Nombor MSDS: MSDS number: 465
Nombor bahan: Material number: 80465
Tarikh diterbitkan: Published 12/05/2005

The powder can explode if mixed in air and ignited in a confined space. If
unconfined, ignition will give rise to a Class A fire. Care should be taken to prevent
the accumulation of polyvinyl alcohol dust. PVOH dust is an explosion hazard.
However, the explosive hazard is highly dependent on particle size; the finer the
particles, the higher the explosion strength.

Emptying of bags of powder directly into vessels where flammable vapors exist
should be strictly prohibited because static discharges can be generated of sufficient
strength to produce an explosion.

Penyimpanan: Janga simpan bersama bahan yang tidak serasi. Lihat Bahagian 10. Kestabilan
Storage: dan Kereaktifan.
Do not store with incompatible materials. See Section 10. Stability and Reactivity.

Semua bekas hendaklah sentiasa ditutup ketat apabila tidak digunakan.
Simpan secara terlindung daripada sinaran matahari langsung dan di lantai
yang tidak telus.
Keep all containers tightly closed when not in use. Store out of direct sunlight and on
an impermeable floor.

8. Kawalan Pendedahan / Perlindungan Diri
8. Exposure Controls / Personal Protection

Kawalan kejuruteraan Pengudaraan umum atau sebaran sering kali tidak mencukupi sebagai satu-
Engineering Controls: satunya cara mengawal pendedahan pekerja. Biasanya pendedahan setempat
lebih diutamakan.
General or dilution ventilation is frequently insufficient as the sole means of
controlling employee exposure. Local ventilation is usually preferred.

Tempat mandi keselamatan dan tempat membasuh mata harus disediakan di
Peralatan pelindung diri
tempat mudah didapatkan.
Protective Equipment
A safety shower and eyebath should be readily available.


Kecemasan pengangkutan:
Transportation emergency: 703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
9 of 19
Nama produk: Product name: Celvol餂?, Polyvinyl alcohol
Nombor MSDS: MSDS number: 465
Nombor bahan: Material number: 80465
Tarikh diterbitkan: Published 12/05/2005

Perlindungan kulit: Pakai pakaian dan sarung tangan tidak telus bagi menghindari sentuhan.
Skin Protection: Disarankan supaya menggunakan neoprena. Bahan pelindung yang lain boleh
digunakan, mengikut keadaan, sekiranya ada data yang memadai tentang
degradasi dan penelapan. Jika bahan kimia lain digunakan bersama bahan
kimia ini, pemilihan bahan harus berdasarkan perlindungan terhadap semua
bahan kimia yang hadir.
Wear impervious clothing and gloves to prevent contact. Neoprene is recommended.
Other protective material may be used, depending on the situation, if adequate
degradation and permeation data is available. If other chemicals are used in
conjunction with this chemical, material selection should be based on protection for
all chemicals present.

Perlindungan mata/muka: Pakai gogal kimia jika ada kemungkinan munasabah akan terkena mata.
Eye/face protection: Wear chemical goggles when there is a reasonable chance of eye contact.


Kecemasan pengangkutan:
Transportation emergency: 703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
10 of 19
Nama produk: Product name: Celvol餂?, Polyvinyl alcohol
Nombor MSDS: MSDS number: 465
Nombor bahan: Material number: 80465
Tarikh diterbitkan: Published 12/05/2005

Perlindungan pernafasan: Berdasarkan aras pencemaran dan had bekerja alat pernafasan, gunakan alat
Respiratory Protection: pernafasan yang diluluskan oleh NIOSH. Berikut adalah peralatan minimum
disarankan bagi aras pendedahan pekerjaan. Bagi menganggarkan
pendedahan pekerjaan lihat Bahagian 3, Bahagian 8 dan Bahagian 11.
Based on workplace contaminant level and working limits of the respirator, use a
respirator approved by NIOSH. The following is the minimum recommended
equipment for an occupational exposure level. To estimate an occupational
exposure level see Section 3, Section 8 and Section 11.

Bagi kadar kepekatan > 1 dan <10 kali aras pendedahan pekerjaan: Gunakan
alat pernafasan pemurni udara dengan pelindung muka penuh dan turas
zarahan HEPA dengan kartrij atau bejana wap organik atau alat pernafasan
pemurni udara kuasa berpelindung muka penuh dilengkapi turas zarahan
HEPA dengan kartrij wap organik. Elemen pemurni udara harus dilengkapi
penunjuk tamat hayat perkhidmatan, atau harus disahkan dengan dokumentasi
jika ada perubahan tidak mengikut jadual. Jika tidak, gunakan bekalan udara.
For concentrations > 1 and < 10 times the occupational exposure level: Use air-
purifying respirator with full facepiece and HEPA particulate filters with organic vapor
cartridge(s) or canister or a full facepiece powered air-purifying respirator fitted with
HEPA particulate filters and with organic vapor cartridge(s). The air purifying element
must have an end of service life indicator, or a documented change out schedule
must be established. Otherwise, use supplied air.

Bagi kadar kepekatan lebih daripada 10 kali aras pendedahan pekerjaan dan
kurang daripada 100 kali aras pendedahan pekerjaan atau IDLH, mana yang
lebih rendah: Gunakan alat pernafasan bekalan udara berpelindung muka
penuh Jenis C dikendalikan dalam cara permintaan tekanan atau aliran terus
For concentrations more than 10 times the occupational exposure level and less than
the lower of either 100 times the occupational exposure level or the IDLH: Use Type
C full facepiece supplied-air respirator operated in positive-pressure or continuous-
flow mode.

Bagi kadar kepekatan > 100 kali aras pendedahan pekerjaan atau lebih tinggi
daripada aras IDLH atau kadar kepekatan tidak diketahui (misalnya dalam
kecemasan): Gunakan alat pernafasan swalengkap dengan pelindung muka
penuh dalam cara tekanan positif atau alat pernafasan bekalan udara tekanan
positif berpelindung muka penuh Jenis C dengan sistem lolos alat pernafasan
swalengkap tekanan positif bantu.
For concentrations > 100 times the occupational exposure level or greater than the
IDLH level or unknown concentrations (such as in emergencies): Use self-contained
breathing apparatus with full facepiece in positive-pressure mode or Type C
positive-pressure full facepiece supplied-air respirator with an auxiliary positive-
pressure self-contained breathing apparatus escape system.

Untuk lolos: Gunakan alat pernafasan swalengkap dengan pelindung muka
penuh atau mana-mana alat pernafasan yang khusus diluluskan bagi

Kecemasan pengangkutan:
Transportation emergency: 703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
11 of 19
Nama produk: Product name: Celvol餂?, Polyvinyl alcohol
Nombor MSDS: MSDS number: 465
Nombor bahan: Material number: 80465
Tarikh diterbitkan: Published 12/05/2005
meloloskan diri.
For escape: Use self-contained breathing apparatus with full facepiece or any
respirator specifically approved for escape.

Garis panduan pendedahan
Exposure guidelines
Komponen No. CAS % Berat ACGIH ACGIH ACGIH OSHA OSHA OSHA Mexico Mexico Mexico
Number % Pendedah
an Tempat

Acetic acid ethenyl 25213-24- 92 - - - - - - - - - -
ester, polymer with 5

Komponen No. CAS % Berat 1990 NIOSH IDLH 1994 NIOSH IDLH
Component CAS Number Percent % (Recognized by OSHA)
Acetic acid ethenyl ester, polymer with 25213-24-5 92 - -

Garis panduan pendedahan tidak ditetapkan oleh ACGIH atau OSHA.
No exposure guidelines have been established by ACGIH or OSHA.

Aras IDLH belum dipastikan oleh NIOSH.
No IDLH level has been established by NIOSH.

OSHA Particulate limits: 15 mg/m3 Total Dust; 5 mg/m3 Respirable Fraction.

9. Sifat-Sifat Fizikal dan Kimia
9. Physical and Chemical Properties

Rupa: White granulated powder


Kecemasan pengangkutan:
Transportation emergency: 703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
12 of 19
Nama produk: Product name: Celvol餂?, Polyvinyl alcohol
Nombor MSDS: MSDS number: 465
Nombor bahan: Material number: 80465
Tarikh diterbitkan: Published 12/05/2005
Odor: Tak berbau.

Keadaan fizikal: Pepejal
Physical State: Solid

pH: 4.0 - 7.5 (4% solution)

Tekanan Wap: Not Applicable
Vapor Pressure:

Not Applicable
Ketumpatan wap (udara = 1 pada 20o C):
Vapor Density (Air=1 @ 20 C):

Not Applicable
Takat didih (760 mmHgA):
Boiling Point (760 mmHgA):

230C - 240C (446F - 464F)
Takat lebur:
Melting Point:

Solubility: Soluble in hot water

0.61 - 0.67 gms/cm^3
Ketumpatan pukal:
Bulk Density:

Berat molekul:
Molecular Weight:

10. Kestabilan dan Kereaktifan
10. Stability and Reactivity


Kecemasan pengangkutan:
Transportation emergency: 703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
13 of 19
Nama produk: Product name: Celvol餂?, Polyvinyl alcohol
Nombor MSDS: MSDS number: 465
Nombor bahan: Material number: 80465
Tarikh diterbitkan: Published 12/05/2005

Kestabilan: Stabil.
Stability: Stable.

Keadaan yang harus dihindarkan: Jangan membangkitkan habuk.
Conditions to Avoid: Avoid generating dust.

Keep away from oxygen, peroxides, perchlorates, nitrates and other oxidizers. Keep
Bahan yang harus dihindarkan: away from reactive metals (sodium, zinc, copper, calcium, etc.).

Hasil Pembakaran atau Hasil penguraian terma boleh termasuk oksida karbon.
Penguraian Berbahaya: Thermal decomposition products may include oxides of carbon.
Hazardous combustion or
decomposition products:

Pempolimeran berbahaya: Pempolimeran berbahaya tidak akan terjadi.
Hazardous Polymerization: Hazardous polymerization will not occur.

11. Maklumat Toksikologi
11. Toxicological Information

Product Toxicological
Information on this specific product is not available. Information representative of the
major component, polyvinyl alcohol homopolymer (CAS# 25213-24-5), is listed next.
Information on other, minor components is available on request.

Component Toxicological Information

Komponen Acetic acid ethenyl ester, polymer with ethenol


Kecemasan pengangkutan:
Transportation emergency: 703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
14 of 19
Nama produk: Product name: Celvol餂?, Polyvinyl alcohol
Nombor MSDS: MSDS number: 465
Nombor bahan: Material number: 80465
Tarikh diterbitkan: Published 12/05/2005
Acute Exposure:

Oral LD50:>5000 mg/kg (rats); practically nontoxic to animals by ingestion.

Inhalation LC50:>20.0 mg/l (rats; dust with 3-5 micron particle size; 1 hr. exposure).
NOTE: This study is of limited quality since the concentration reported was nominal
(i.e., not measured analytically): practically nontoxic to animals by acute inhalation

Skin:In powder form, Polyvinyl Alcohol was nonirritating to rabbit skin. In aqueous
solution, slight irritation to rabbit skin was noted. Not a skin sensitizer in guinea pigs
when dosed as a 10% aqueous solution. Practically nontoxic to animals (LD50,
rabbits: >1,000 mg/kg).

Eye: The powder and aqueous solutions are slightly irritating to rabbit eyes; irritation
subsided by 48 hrs after exposure.

Mutagenicity: Not mutagenic in vitro (Ames Test; Cytogenetic (Chromosomal
Aberration) Assay in Chinese Hamster V-79 Cells)). Not mutagenic in vivo (mouse
micronucleus assay).

Carcinogenicity: The National Toxicology Program (NTP) conducted a two-year
carcinogenicity study of intravaginally administered Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVOH) in
mice. Three groups of 100 female B6C3F1 mice were used: an untreated control
group, a vehicle control group receiving 0.02 ml deionized water vehicle only and a
PVOH group receiving 0.02 ml of 25% PVOH in deionized water. There were no
tumors or non-neoplastic lesions considered related to treatment with Polyvinyl
Alcohol. Other studies were not designed/conducted according to established
scientific principles. IARC categorized Polyvinyl Alcohol in Group 3, "not classifiable
as to (its) carcinogenicity in humans".

Reproductive/Developmental Effects: No information available.

Repeated Exposure:Female rats dosed dermally at 1000 mg/kg with undiluted
PVOH once daily, 5days/week for 5 weeks showed no adverse effects. Male rats
treated similarly exhibited lower hematocrit and red blood cell values than controls,
but no effects were observed on gross pathological examination at the end of the
study. Other studies were not designed/conducted according to established
scientific principles (e.g., no controls) and/or were conducted via routes of exposure
not relevant to the workplace (e.g., injection; implantation). A review of Polyvinyl
Alcohol studies by the Cosmetic Ingredient Review Expert Panel is available in the
published literature (Int. J. Toxicology, 17(Suppl. 5): 67-92 (1998)). The Panel
concluded that Polyvinyl Alcohol is safe as used in cosmetic formulations.


Kecemasan pengangkutan:
Transportation emergency: 703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
15 of 19
Nama produk: Product name: Celvol餂?, Polyvinyl alcohol
Nombor MSDS: MSDS number: 465
Nombor bahan: Material number: 80465
Tarikh diterbitkan: Published 12/05/2005

12. Maklumat Ekologi
12. Ecological Information

Product Ecological Information:

Information on this specific product is not available. Information representative of the
major component, polyvinyl alcohol homopolymer (CAS# 25213-24-5), is listed next.
Information on other, minor components is available on request.

Component Ecological Information

Komponen Acetic acid ethenyl ester, polymer with ethenol
Polyvinyl alcohol exhibits low acute toxicity to aquatic species.
Fish (Pimephales promelas) 96-hr. LC50: > 40,000 ppm.
Fish (Lepomis macrochirus) 96-hr. LC50: >10,000 ppm.
Crustacean (Ceriodaphnia dubia) 48-hr. LC50 = 7,850 ppm.
Crustacean (Daphnia magna) 48-hr. LC50 = 8,300 ppm.
Bacteria (Photobacterium phosphoreum), Microtox Method, EC50: >50,000 ppm.

Environmental Fate:

Polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) has been reported to be substantially biodegraded in
several test systems after a lag time for microbial acclimation. For example, the 5-
day and 28-day BODs with unacclimated cultures indicated essentially no
degradation, but the 30-day BOD with a PVOH-acclimated culture indicated 100%
degradation. In another study using a laboratory complete mixing activated sludge
(CMAS) system, >90% of the PVOH present in the influent could be continuously
removed by acclimated organisms. PVOH was totally degraded in mixed culture
activated sludges as determined by both synthetic and actual domestic wastewater
studies in which PVOH was added to the influent to a small scale multi-stage OASES
correlation unit. Biodegradation was greater than 90% in the Zahn Wellens Test
(OECD 302B).


Kecemasan pengangkutan:
Transportation emergency: 703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
16 of 19
Nama produk: Product name: Celvol餂?, Polyvinyl alcohol
Nombor MSDS: MSDS number: 465
Nombor bahan: Material number: 80465
Tarikh diterbitkan: Published 12/05/2005

13. Pertimbangan Pelupusan
13. Disposal Considerations

Lupuskan bahan tumpah sejajar dengan peraturan negeri dan tempatan bagi bahan buangan yang tidak
berbahaya menurut definisi Persekutuan. Harap ingat bahawa maklumat ini adalah bagi bahan
sebagaimana dibuat; pemprosesan, penggunaan, atau pencemaran mungkin menjadikan maklumat ini tidak
wajar, tidak tepat atau tidak lengkap.
Dispose of spilled material in accordance with state and local regulations for waste that is non-hazardous by
Federal definition. Note that this information applies to the material as manufactured; processing, use, or
contamination may make this information inappropriate, inaccurate, or incomplete.

Harap ingat bahawa maklumat penanganan dan pelupusan ini juga mungkin terpakai bagi bekas kosong,
pelapik dan bahan bilasannya. Peraturan atau sekatan peringkat negeri atau tempatan adalah kompleks
dan mungkin berbeza dengan peraturan persekutuan. Maklumat ini dimaksudkan sebagai bantuan bagi
penanganan dan pelupusan yang wajar; tanggung jawab muktamad bagi penanganan dan pelupusan
terletak di tangan pemilik bahan buangan berkenaan. Lihat Bahagian 9 Sifat-Sifat Fizikal dan Kimia.
Note that this handling and disposal information may also apply to empty containers, liners and rinsate. State or
local regulations or restrictions are complex and may differ from federal regulations. This information is intended as
an aid to proper handling and disposal; the final responsibility for handling and disposal is with the owner of the
waste. See Section 9 - Physical and Chemical Properties.

14. Maklumat Pengangkutan
14. Transport Information

US Department of Transportation:
Hazard class: Not regulated

Hazard Classification: Not Regulated.

Hazard Class: Not Regulated.


Kecemasan pengangkutan:
Transportation emergency: 703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
17 of 19
Nama produk: Product name: Celvol餂?, Polyvinyl alcohol
Nombor MSDS: MSDS number: 465
Nombor bahan: Material number: 80465
Tarikh diterbitkan: Published 12/05/2005
Takat kilat (kaedah ujian): None
Flash point (test method):

Transport Canada

Trade Information
Schedule B Code (export): 3905.30.0000

15. Maklumat Kawalselia
15. Regulatory Information

S phrases

S 22 Jangan menyedut habuk.
S 22 Do not breathe dust.
S 26 Jika terkena mata, bilas serta merta dengan air banyak dan minta nasihat doktor.
S 26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.
S 51 Gunakan di tempat yang sempurna pengudaraannya sahaja.
S 51 Use only in well-ventilated areas.


Inventori kimia
International chemical inventories:

Disenaraikan dalam inventori kimia negara-negara berikut atau layak dikecualikan:
Listed on the chemical inventories of the following countries or qualifies for an exemption:


16. Maklumat Lain
16. Other Information


Kecemasan pengangkutan:
Transportation emergency: 703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
18 of 19
Nama produk: Product name: Celvol餂?, Polyvinyl alcohol
Nombor MSDS: MSDS number: 465
Nombor bahan: Material number: 80465
Tarikh diterbitkan: Published 12/05/2005

Disiapkan oleh: Jabatan Penyeliaan Produk
Prepared by: Celanese Ltd.
Product Stewardship Department
Celanese Ltd.

Pentarafan bahaya Maklumat ini dimaksudkan untuk digunakan hanya oleh mereka yang terlatih
Hazard ratings dalam sistem NFPA dan/atau HMIS.
This information is intended solely for the use of individuals trained in the NFPA and/or HMIS

NFPA: Health: 1 Flammability: 1 Reactivity: 0

HMIS: Health: 1 Flammability: 1 Reactivity: 0

The following sections have been revised since the last issue of this MSDS.
Maklumat berikut telah disemak
sejak versi terakhir MSDS ini:
The following has been revised
since the last issue of this MSDS:

2. Komposisi/ Maklumat tentang Ramuan

Maklumat yang terkandung di sini adalah tepat sejauh pengetahuan kami. Kami tidak menyatakan atau menjamin
bahawa mana-mana bahaya yang disenaraikan di sini adalah satu-satunya yang wujud. Celanese Ltd. tidak memberi
jaminan dalam apa jua bentuk, secara nyata atau tersirat, tentang penggunaan bahan ini yang selamat dalam proses
anda atau secara bergabung dengan zat lain. Kesan-kesannya boleh diburukkan oleh bahan lain dan/atau bahan ini
pula boleh memburukkan atau menambah kesan-kesan bahan lain. Bahan ini boleh dibebaskan daripada bahan gas,
cecair, atau pepejal yang dibuat secara langsung atau tidak langsung daripadanya. Pengguna memikul tanggungjawab
tunggal untuk menentukan kesesuaian bahan-bahan bagi apa jua kegunaan dan cara penggunaan yang dirancangkan.
Pengguna mesti memenuhi semua piawai keselamatan dan kesihatan yang berkenaan. Lembaran data keselamatan
bahan disediakan di Internet oleh Celanese, Ltd. sebagai satu perkhidmatan untuk pelanggannya. Memiliki MSDS
Internet tidak menandakan bahawa pemilik MSDS itu adalah pembeli atau pengguna produk yang berkenaan.

Note: For industrial use only. The information contained herein is accurate to the best of our knowledge. We do not
suggest or guarantee that any hazards listed herein are the only ones which exist. Celanese Ltd. makes no warranty of
any kind, express or implied, concerning the safe use of this material in your process or in combination with other
substances. Effects can be aggravated by other materials and/or this material may aggravate or add to the effects of
other materials. This material may be released from gas, liquid, or solid materials made directly or indirectly from it. User
has the sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the materials for any use and the manner of use contemplated.
User must meet all applicable safety and health standards. Material safety data sheets are provided on the Internet by
Celanese, Ltd. as a service to its customers. Possession of an Internet MSDS does not indicate that the possessor of the
MSDS was a purchaser or user of the subject product.


Kecemasan pengangkutan:
Transportation emergency: 703 527 3887 (USA) CHEMTREC, collect calls accepted, 24 hrs/day
19 of 19

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