MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet


File Name: monsanto_com---coexistence.asp

Coexistence in agricultural production systems and supply chains is not new. Different agricultural systems
have co-existed successfully for many years around the world. Standards and best practices were
established decades ago and have continually evolved to deliver high purity seed and grain to support
production, distribution and trade of products from different agricultural systems. For example, production of
similar commodities such as field corn, sweet corn and popcorn has occurred successfully and in close
proximity for many years. Another example is the successful co-existence of oilseed rape varieties with low
erucic acid content for food use and high erucic acid content for industrial uses.

The introduction of biotech crops has sparked a debate concerning the coexistence of biotech production
systems with conventional cropping systems and organic production. This debate has primarily focused on
the potential economic impact of the introduction of biotech products on other systems. The health and
safety of biotech products are not an issue because their food, feed and environmental safety must be
demonstrated before they enter the agricultural production system and supply chain.

The coexistence of conventional, organic and biotech crops has been the subject of several recent reports.
These reports conclude that coexistence among biotech and non-biotech crops is not only possible but is
occurring. These reports recommend that coexistence strategies must be developed on a case-by-case
basis considering the diversity of products currently in the market and under development, differences in the
crops themselves, and variations in regional farming practices and infra-structures. Further, coexistence
strategies are driven by market needs and should be developed using current science-based industry
standards and management practices. The strategies must be flexible, enabling options for the farmer
and the food/feed supply chain, and must be capable of being modified as changes in markets and
products warrant.

Successful coexistence of all agricultural systems is achievable and depends on cooperation, flexibility
and mutual respect for each system. Agriculture has a history of innovation and change, and farmers
have always adapted to new approaches or challenges by utilizing appropriate strategies, farm
management practices and new technologies.

The responsibility for implementing practices to satisfy specific marketing standards or certification must lie
with that farmer who is growing a crop to satisfy a particular market. This is true whether the goal is high-oil
corn, white sweet corn or organically produced yellow corn for animal feed. In each case, the grower is
seeking to produce a crop that is supported by a market price and consequently that grower assumes
responsibility for satisfying reasonable market specifications.

Identity Preserved Production
Some growers may choose to preserve the identity of their crops to meet specific markets. Examples of
Identity Preservation (I.P.) corn crops include production of seed corn, white, waxy, or sweet corn, specialty
oil or protein crops, food grade crops and any other crop that meets specialty needs, including organic and
non-genetically enhanced specifications. Growers of these crops assume the responsibility and receive the
benefit for ensuring that their crop meets mutually agreed contract specifications.

Based on historical experience with a broad range of I.P. crops, the industry has developed generally
accepted I.P. agricultural practices. These practices are intended to manage I.P production or quality
specifications, and are established for a broad range of I.P. needs. The accepted practice with I.P. crops is
that each I.P. grower has responsibility to implement any necessary processes. These processes may
include sourcing seed appropriate for I.P. specifications, field management practices such as adequate
isolation distances, buffers between crops, border rows, planned differences in maturity between adjacent
fields that might cross-pollinate, and harvest and handling practices designed to prevent mixing and to
maintain product quality. These extra steps associated with I.P. crop production are generally accompanied
by incremental increases in cost of production and consequently of the goods sold.

General Instructions for Management of Pollen Flow and Mechanical Mixing
For all crop hybrids or varieties that they wish to identity preserve or otherwise keep separated, growers
should take steps to prevent mechanical mixing. Growers should make sure all seed storage areas,
transportation vehicles and planter boxes are cleaned thoroughly both prior to and subsequent to the
storage, transportation or planting of the crop. Growers should also make sure all combines, harvesters and
transportation vehicles used at harvest are cleaned thoroughly both prior to and subsequent to their use in
connection with the harvest of the grain produced from the crop. Growers should also make sure all
harvested grain is stored in clean storage areas where the identity of the grain can be preserved.

Self pollinated crops, such as soybeans, do not present a risk of mixing by cross-pollination. If the intent is to
use or market the product of a self-pollinated crop separately from general commodity use, growers should
plant fields at a sufficient distance away from other crops to prevent mechanical mixture.

Growers planting cross pollinated crops, such as corn, who desire to preserve the identity of these crops
or to minimize the potential for these crops to outcross with adjacent fields of the same crop kind should
use the same generally accepted practices to manage mixing that are used in any of the currently grown
identity preserved crops of similar crop kind.

Growers should take into account the following factors that can affect the occurrence and extent of cross-
pollination to or from other fields. Information that is more specific to the crop and region may be available
from state extension offices.

鈥? Cross pollination is limited. Some plants are incapable of cross-pollinating e.g., potatoes, while others
require cross-pollination to produce seed e.g., alfalfa. Importantly, cross-pollination only occurs within the
same crop kind e.g. corn to corn.
鈥? The amount of pollen produced within the field. The pollen produced by the crop within a given field, known
as pollen load, is typically high enough to pollinate all of the plants in the field. Therefore, most of the
pollen which may enter from other fields falls on plants that have already been pollinated with pollen that
originated from plants within the field. In crops such as alfalfa, pollen load is drastically reduced by typical
crop management practices i.e., cutting at early flowering.
鈥? The existence and/or degree of overlap in the pollination period of crops in adjacent fields. This will vary
depending on the maturity of crops, planting dates and the weather. For corn, the typical pollen shed
period lasts from 5 to 10 days for a particular field. Therefore, viable pollen from neighboring fields must be
present when silks are receptive in the recipient field in this brief period to produce any grain with traits
introduced by the out of field pollen
鈥? Distance between fields of different varieties or hybrid of the same crop. The greater the distance between
fields the less likely their pollen will remain viable and have an opportunity to mix and produce an outcross.
Most cross-pollination occurs within the outermost few rows of the field. In fact many white and waxy corn
production contracts ask the grower to remove the outer 12 rows (30 ft.) of the field in order to remove
most of the impurities that could result from cross-pollination with nearby yellow dent corn. Furthermore,
research has also shown that as fields become further separated, the incidence of cross-pollination drops
rapidly. Essentially, the in-field pollen has an advantage over the pollen coming from other fields for
receptive silks because of its volume and proximity to silks.
鈥? Distance pollen moves. How far pollen can travel depends on many environmental factors including
weather during pollination, especially wind direction and velocity, temperature and humidity. All these
factors will vary from season to season, from day to day and from location to location.
鈥? The orientation and width of the adjacent field in relation to the dominant wind direction. Fields oriented
upwind during pollination will show dramatically lower cross pollination for wind pollinated crops like corn
compared to fields located downwind.

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