MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet


File Name: espi-metals_com---cesiumchromate.asp
                                                                                        ELECTRONIC SPACE PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL

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Cesiu m C hroma te Inorgan ic salt
Trade Name: Chem ical Nature:
Cs 2CrO 4 13454 -78-9
Form ula: CAS N umber:
Chrom ic acid (H 2CrO 4), dicesium salt, cesium chrom ate (VI), cesium chromium oxide, dicesium chrom ate.


Haz ardous C omp onents % OSHA/PEL ACGIH/TLV Sec. 302 Sec. 304 Sec. 313
0.1 mg (CrO 3)/m 3 0.05 mg (Cr)/m 3
Cesiu m C hroma te 0-100 No No Yes

NFPA R atings: Hea lth: 3 Fire: 0 Reactivity: 0


Boiling Point 760 mm Hg: Melting Point:
4.237 No Data
Specific Gravity: Vapor Pressure:
No Data N/A
Vapo r Density: % V olatiles:
71.4% @ 13 oC Yellow rhomb ic crystals
Solubility in H 2O: Appearance and Odor:


Flash Point (Method used): N/A Autoignition Temperature: N/A
Flam mab le Limits: Upper: N/A Lower: N/A

Extingu ishing Media: Water only, no dry chemical, carbon dioxide or halon. For larger fires flood area with water from a distance.
Special Fire Fighting Procedures: We ar NIOS H/M SH A approve d self contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing.
Fum es from fire are hazardou s. Isolate runoff to prevent enviro nm ental pollution . Mo ve con tainer from fire are if you can do so
without risk . Apply coolin g w ater to sid es of containers th at are expo sed to flam es well after the fire has been ex tingu ished . Avoid
breathing corro sive vap ors or du sts.

Fire and Explosion Hazards: Negligible fire h azard. O xidizer. M ay ignite or explod e on co ntact with co mb ustible materials.


Effects of Exposure:

Cesium compo unds may cause hyper-irritability, including spasms, dizziness, abdominal cramps, vomiting, diarrhea,
convulsions and collapse. Chronic ingestion of cesium has been fatal to laboratory animals, possibly due to the replacement of
potassium. Chronic exposure also can have blood and neuromuscular effects. Chromium (VI) may cause skin ulceration,
gastro intestina l irritation w ith vo mitin g and diarrhea, kidney and liver dam age. Overexposure m ay be fatal. D usts are extreme ly
irritating to the eyes, nose, throat and bronchial tubes. May cause cancers of the lungs, nasal cavity, sinuses, stomach and larynx.

Chromates may cause ulceration and perforation of the nasal septum, liver and kidney damage, and ulceration of the skin.
Acute E ffects:

Inhalation: May cause irritation, possibly severe. May cause allergic reactions. Additional effects may include fever, loss of voice,
chest pain, difficulty breathing, headache, dizziness, lung congestion and kidney damage.
Ingestion: May cause burns. May cause allergic reactions. Additional effects may include redness and swelling of the skin,
vomiting, digestive disorders, inability to urinate, dizziness, liver and kidney damage, convulsions, shock and coma.
Skin : May cause irritation, possibly severe. May cause allergic reactions. Additional effects may include nausea, vomiting, kidney
damage, shock and coma.
Eye: May cause burns. Additional effects may include eye damage.

Chro nic Effects:

Inhalation: In addition to effects from short term exposure, perforation of the nose, lack of sense of smell, lack of sense of smell and
taste, tooth decay, digestive disorders, asthma , perforated eardrum, lung d amag e and liver dama ge ma y occur. M ay also cause cancer.
Ingestion: Same as short term exposure.
Skin : Same effects as acute exposure.
Eye: May cause same effects as short term exposure. Additional effects may include tearing and red bands around the cornea.

Carcino genicity: OSHA: No NTP: Yes IARC: Yes


INHALATION: Remove victim to fresh air. Keep warm and quiet, give oxygen if breathing is difficult, perform artificial
respiration if necessary. Treat symptomatically and supportively. . GET MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY!
INGESTION: Remove by gastric lavage or emesis. Maintain blood pressure and airway. Give oxygen if respiration is depressed.
Do not perform gastric lavage or emesis if victim is unconscious. GET MED ICAL ATTEN TION IMM EDIATELY !!! Administration
of gastric lav age or ox yge n sho uld b e perform ed by qu alified m edica l perso nne l.
SK IN: Rem ove contaminated clothing, b rush material off skin, w ash affected area with m ild soap and w ater for at least 15 m inutes.
If burns occur, proceed with the following: Cover affected area securely with sterile, dry, loose-fitting dressing. Treat
symptomatically and supportively. Seek medical attention immediately.
EYE: Flush with lukewarm water, lifting u ppe r and lower eyelids fo r at least 15 m inutes. Con tinue irrigating w ith no rmal saline until
the pH has returned to normal (30-60 minutes). SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY.

Note To Physician: Antidote: The following antidote has been recommended. However, the decision as to whether the severity of
poisoning requires administration of any antidote and actual dose required should be made by qualified medical personnel. Use of
dim ercap rol ha s been sug gested on the basis of fin ding s in animals. Give 3 m g/kg (or 0.3 m l/10 k g) ev ery 4 hou rs, intram uscu larly
for the first 2 days and then 2 mg/kg every 12 hours for a total of 10 days (Dreisbach, Handbook of Poisoning, 12 th Ed.) An tidote
should o nly b e adm inistered by qualified m edica l perso nne l.


Stability: Stable und er norm al temp eratures an d pressu res.

Co nditio ns to Av oid: Ma y ign ite othe r com bustible m aterials (w ood , paper, oil, etc.). Reac tion w ith fuels ma y be violent.
Flammable poisonous gases may accumulate in tanks and hopper cars. Runoff to sewer may create fire or explosion hazard.
Incompatibility (Material to Avoid): Com bustible m aterials: M ay increase the b urning ra te or ca use ignition on contact. Finely
divided materials may result in an explosion. Reducing Agents: Fire and explosion hazard.

Haz ardous D ecomposition Produc ts: Thermal decomposition products may include oxides of chromium.
Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur under no rmal tempe ratures and pressures.

-Cesium Chromate 2-

Steps to Be Taken in Case Material Is Released or Spilled: Keep combustibles (wood, paper, oil, etc...) away from spilled
material. Do not touch spilled material. Stop leak if you can do so without risk. Use water spray to reduce vapors. Do not get water
inside container. For small dry spills, use a clean shovel to place material into a clean, dry containers and cov er. Move co ntainers
from spill area. For small liquid spills, flush area with flooding amounts of water. For larger spills, dike far ahead of spill for later
dispo sal. Keep unne cessary peop le aw ay. Iso late hazard area and d eny entry . In the even t of a w ater spill note that the C aliforn ia
Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65) prohibits contaminating any known source of drinking
water with substances known to cause cancer and/or reproductive toxicity.


Respirator: Any self-contained breathing apparatus that has a full face piece and is operated in a pressure-demand or other positive-
pressure mode.
Ventilation: Provide local exhaust or pro cess enclosure ven tilation to mee t published expo sure limits.

Gloves: Employee must wear appropriate protective gloves to prevent contact with this substance.
Eye Protection: Em ploy ee m ust w ear sp lash-p roof or dust-resistant safety gogg les and a face shield to preven t contact with this
substance. W here there is any possibility that an em ploy ee's eyes and/or skin m ay be exp osed to this substan ce, the em ploy er sho uld
provide and eye wash fountain and quick drench shower within the immediate work area for emergency use.

Clothing: Employee must wear appropriate protective (impervious) clothing and equipment to prevent any possibility of skin contact
with this substance.


Precautions to Be Taken in Handling and Storage: Store and handle in acco rdan ce w ith all current regu lations and standards.
NFP A 43 0 Co de for the storage of liquid and solid oxidizing m aterials. Keep separated from incom patible substances.

Other Precautions: Contact with com bustible m aterial may cause fire. M ay cau se sensitization by inhalation. M ay cau se
sensitiza tion b y skin contact. M ay ca use cancer by inhalation. M ay ca use h arm to breast-fed babies. Keep out of reach of ch ildren .
Avoid contact with skin. If swallowed, seek medical advice immediately.

Subject to California Proposition 65 cancer and/or reproductive toxicity warning and release requirements (hexavalent chromium
compounds) (February 27, 1987)

The above information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. However, since data, safety standards, and government
regulations are subject to change, and the conditions of handling and use or misuse are beyond our control, ESPI makes no warranty,
either expressed or implied, with respect to the completeness or continuing accuracy of the information contained herein, and
disclaims all liability for reliance thereon. Users should satisfy themselves that they have all current data relevant to their particular

Issued by: S. Dierks
Date: November 2002

-Cesium Chromate 3-

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