MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet


File Name: ultradent_com---floropal.asp
Flor-Opal速 is a unique, sustained-release, 0.5% fluoride ion in a

速 sticky, viscous gel to be used with a custom tray. Flor-Opal is a
clear, nearly tasteless, high-viscosity sticky gel with a pH of ~6.5.

Sustained Released Flor-Opal is designed for use whenever topical fluoride
Fluoride Gel application is desired via take-home tray (e.g., prevention of root
caries, treatment of periodontal conditions, following bleaching
procedures, root sensitivity).

1. Read and understand instructions before using or dispensing to patients.

Ultradent Products, Inc.
2. Fabricate tray to meet patients needs. See laboratory instructions
Attn: Tray Fabrication
(page 2) or send the working cast/model and prescription order 505 West 10200 South
form to Ultradent. Areas of sensitivity should be indicated on the South Jordan, Utah 84095
cast before sending the model. If patient already has a custom
bleaching tray, instruct them to apply Flor-Opal in the same manner as the bleaching gel.
Note: Trays made only for Flor-Opal may be constructed without scalloping; however, one should scallop trays
made for Opalescence速 bleaching.
3. Flor-Opal is dispensed in 1.2ml unit dose syringes. An application of a complete arch should
use most of the contents of one unit dose syringe. Tray is loaded by running gel on underside of
occlusal and incisal areas.
4. The length and number of times the tray is worn depends on the condition, the patient, and the
clinician. Recommended treatment times generally range from 2 to 8 hours. Wearing the tray
at night may be suggested since the gel generally stays active in the tray 8-10 hours because of
slower muscle and salivary activity at night. Gel usually lasts 4-6 hours with daytime activity.
5. Tray should be removed at meal times. Following
tray removal, patient should brush and rinse with
water. DO NOT swallow solution during rinsing.
Wash tray and store in a tray storage case. Fresh
gel should be used for each application.
6. Gel may be warmed before placing in tray to avoid
thermal sensitivity.
Laboratory Instructions: Fig. 2
Fig. 1
1. Pour and trim cast as you would for a standard
bleaching tray. Apply 0.5-1.0mm of Ultradent速 LC Block-Out Resin to a clean, dry cast.
2. Cure LC Block-Out for ~2 minutes in a light curing unit. A hand-held intraoral light (Ultra-Lume速) can
be used (approximately 20-40 seconds per tooth). Wipe off oxygen inhibition layer.
3. With vacuum former (Ultra-Form速 or EconoForm?), heat a Sof-Tray速 sheet until it sags ~1 inch.
Activate vacuum and adapt softened plastic over mold. Cool and remove model.
4. Cut excess bulk of material away with Ultra-Trim? scalloping scissors.
5. Trim excess tray material. Contour the tray margin to avoid frenum attachments, tori, and similar
anatomical structures.
6. Return tray to model; check tray extensions. Gently flame polish edges one quadrant at a time
(Blazer速 Micro Torch).
7. While still warm, hold periphery of each segment firmly against model for 3 seconds with water-
moistened finger. If an area is short of the desired length, gently heat and push the tray material to
the desired location. If this material thins too much, a new tray should be fabricated.

1. If any problems occur, have the patient discontinue treatment and notify the dentist.
2. Patients should not swallow large volumes of Flor-Opal gel. Excess at insertion and residue upon
removal should be brushed off and rinsed; DO NOT swallow.
3. Keep out of heat and sunlight at all times. Flor-Opal should be stored at room temperature.
4. Not intended for use by pregnant women.
materIal Safety data Sheet Controlled Product Yes No

SectION I - IdeNtIfIcatION Of the SubStaNce/preparatION aNd Of the cOmpaNy/uNdertakINg
Ultradent Products, Inc.
Material Manufactured by

Flor-Opal 505 West 10200 South
South Jordan, Utah 84095?USA
For treating tooth surfaces with fluoride.
1-800-552-5512 or 1-801-572-4200 (Outside USA)
Date EC Representative
July 17, 2006
Prepared by:
Richard Tuttle, D.D.S.
Approximate LD50/LC50
Active Ingredients C.A.S. N.A. or U.N. Numbers
Concentration % Specify Species and Route

1.1% w/w LD50 52mg/kg Rat-Oral 7681-49-4
Sodium Fluoride

SectION III - hazardS IdeNtIfIcatION
Adverse Human
Sodium fluoride in large dosages is toxic.
Effects and Symptoms
SectION Iv - fIrSt aId meaSureS
N/A Flush with lots of water.
Skin Ingestion
Wash with soap and water. Give large amounts of water or milk.

SectION v - fIre-fIghtINg meaSureS
Flammability If Yes, Under
Yes No Which Conditions:

Means of Protective Equipment
N/A for Firefighters
SectION vI - accIdeNtal releaSe meaSureS SectION vII - haNdlINg aNd StOrage
Personal & Environmental
Methods for
Room Temperature.
Wipe up with cloth and water.
Cleaning Requirements

SectION vIII - eXpOSure cONtrOlS/perSONal prOtectION
Respiratory Eye
N/A Protective eyewear.
Protection Protection
Hand Skin
Latex gloves. Lab coat.
Protection Protection
SectION IX - phySIcal & chemIcal prOpertIeS
Solubility in
Clear bubbled gel. Completely. Not defined.
Other Data
Neutral. ~6.5 None.
SectION X - StabIlIty aNd reactIvIty
Chemical Stability Conditions and Hazardous Decomposition
Oxidents and strong acids. N/A
Yes No Materials to Avoid Products

SectION XI - tOXIcOlOgIcal INfOrmatION
Route of Entry Skin Contact Skin Absorption Eye Contact Inhalation Acute Inhalation Chronic Ingestion
Effects and Symptoms
Eyes: Irritation. Ingestion: Irritation.
of Short-Term Exposure
Chronic Effects and Symptoms
Eyes: Irritation. Ingestion: Irritation (if ingested in large quantities).
of Long-Term Exposure
Not defined. of Product Slight.
SectION XII - ecOlOgIcal INfOrmatION SectION XIII - dISpOSal cONSIderatIONS
Yes. Method of
Waste Disposal
In accordance with governmental regulations.
Further Details

SectION XIv - traNSpOrt INfOrmatION SectION Xv - regulatOry INfOrmatION
Not defined. Not defined.
SectION XvI - Other INfOrmatION
FORDENTALUSEONLY.?Use as directed.??
The information and recommendations are taken from sources (raw material MSDS(s) and manufacturers knowledge) believed to be accurate; however, Ultradent
Products, Inc., makes no warranty with respect to the accuracy of the information or the suitability of the recommendation and assumes no liability to any user thereof.
Each user should review these recommendations in the specific context of the intended use and determine whether they are appropriate.
Construct and dry the stone model, cutting palate and tongue areas out.

Vacuum adapt Sof-Tray速 .035 sheet to model. Cool and separate.

For sensitive roots use Ultradents LC Block-Out Resin on gingival
margin to provide a reservoir space for Flor-Opal.
It is recommended to lap tray 2-3mm onto gingiva.

General Precautions:
6. Confirm that patient has no known allergies to
1. For professional use only.
treatment materials.
2. Review instructions, precautions, and MSDS before
7. Test flow of materials from syringe and tip before
beginning treatment. Use only as directed.
using intraorally.
3. Keep products out of heat/sunlight.
8. Never force syringe plungers.
4. Avoid skin exposure to resins.
9. Clean and disinfect syringes between patients.
5. Isolate strong chemicals to area of treatment.

Load gel into your bleaching tray made by your dentist.
Use 1/3 to 1/2 of syringe.

Brush teeth, then insert tray. Adapt tray sides to teeth.

Remove excess gel with clean finger or soft toothbrush.
Rinse twice; do not swallow rinses.

Clean tray with soft brush and cool tap water.
Store tray in case provided.
Gipsmodell herstellen und trocknen lassen; Gaumen- bzw.
Zungenpartie entfernen.

Sof-Tray速-Folie 0,035?/0,9 mm 端ber das Modell tiefziehen.
Abk端hlen lassen und abziehen.

Bei empfindlichen Zahnh辰lsen vorher mit LC Block-Out Resin am
Gingivalrand Reservoires anlegen, damit dort etwas mehr Raum
f端r Flor-Opal geschaffen wird. Zu empfehlen ist ein berlappen der
Schiene auf die Gingiva von 2-3 mm.

Allgemeine Vorsichtsmanahmen:
1. Nur f端r professionelle Anwendungen. 6. Kl辰ren Sie vorab, ob Patienten allergisch auf Inhaltsstoffe
2. Lesen Sie die Anleitungen, Warnungen und MSDS, bevor Sie reagieren.
mit der Behandlung anfangen. Bitte folgen Sie den 7. Testen Sie den Ausfluss der Fl端ssigkeit aus der Spritze,
Anleitungen genau. bevor Sie das Produkt beim Patienten auftragen.
3. Produkt nicht in die Sonne legen oder Hitze aussetzen. 8. Die Spritze nicht mit Gewalt benutzen.
4. Nicht auf die Haut auftragen. 9. Reinigen und desinfizieren Sie Spritzen zwischen den
5. Chemikalien nur auf die Behandlungsfl辰che auftragen. Anwendungen.

Geben Sie das Gel in die Einlage, die Ihr Zahnarzt erstellt hat.
Benutzen Sie 1/3 bis 1/2 der Spritze.

Putzen Sie Ihre Z辰hne, dann setzen Sie die Schiene ein und dr端cken
sie an den Seiten an.

Entfernen Sie 端bersch端ssiges Gel mit einem sauberen Finger oder
einer weichen Zahnb端rste. Sp端len Sie den Mund zweimal mit
Wasser; das Mundsp端lwasser dabei nicht schlucken.

Reinigen Sie die Schiene mit einer weichen B端rste und kaltem
Leitungswasser. Legen Sie sie in die Aufbewahrungsbox.
Couler le mod竪le, laisser s辿cher le pl但tre, puis 辿liminer les parties
centrales (linguales et palatines).

Proc辿der au thermoformage dune plaque souple Sof-Tray速 0.9 mm.
Laisser refroidir, puis s辿parer la goutti竪re du mod竪le.

Pour les racines sensibles, placer la r辿sine despacement LC Block-
Out au niveau gingival afin de cr辿er les r辿servoirs au niveau des
collets. Il est recommand辿 de recouvrir la gencive de 2 3 mm.

Pr辿cautions g辿n辿rales:
1. Destin辿 鐃緒申 une utilisation professionnelle uni鐃uement. 6. Confirmez 鐃ue le patient n鐃a pas d鐃allergies connues aux
2. Revoyez les instructions, les pr辿cautions et les fiches mat辿riaux du traitement.
toxicologi鐃ues avant de commencer le traitement. A utiliser 7. Testez le flux des mat辿riaux sortant de la seringue
uni鐃uement selon les instructions. et de l鐃embout avant de les utiliser intraoralement.
3. Gardez les produits loin de la chaleur/de la lumi鐃re. 8. Ne forcez 鐃amais sur le piston de la seringue.
4. Evitez d鐃exposer la peau. 9. Nettoyez et d辿sinfectez les seringues entre cha鐃ue patient.
5. Isolez les produits chimi鐃ues forts 鐃緒申 la zone de traitement.

Chargez le gel dans le porte-empreinte de blanchiment fait par votre
dentiste. Utilisez 1/3 1/2 de la seringue.

Se brosser les dents, puis ins辿rer la goutti竪re. Adapter les bords de
la goutti竪re contre les dents.

Enveler l'excess de gel au doigt ou laide dune brosse dent
souple. Rincer deux fois; ne pas avaler leau du rin巽age.

Nettoyer la goutti竪re avec une brosse dent propre sous leau froide.
Conserver la goutti竪re dans son 辿tui.
Vervaardig een gipsmodel, snij het palatum en tonggebied uit.

Trek een Sof-Tray速 vel .035? vacu端m over het model. Laat afkoelen
en verwijder.

Gebruik bij gevoelige worteloppervlakken Ultradents LC Block-Out
Resin op het gipsmodel ter plaatse van de gingivarand om een
reservoir te cre谷ren voor Flor-Opal. Het wordt aanbevolen om het
lepeltje de gingiva 2-3 mm te laten overlappen.

Algemene voorzorgsmaatregelen: 5. Breng sterke chemicali谷n alleen aan op de
1. Uitsluitend voor professioneel gebruik. behandelingsplaats.
2. Lees de gebruiksaanwi鐃zing, voorzorgsmaatregelen en 6. Controleer of de pati谷nt niet allergisch is voor de
veiligheidsinformatiebladen (MSDS) voorafgaand aan de behandelingsmaterialen.
behandeling goed door. Gebruik het product uitsluitend zoals 7. Test hoe het materiaal uit de spuit en punt stroomt
voorgeschreven. voordat u het intraoraal toepast.
3. Zorg dat het product niet aan hitte/zonlicht wordt 8. Druk de plun鐃er van de spuit nooit met kracht in.
blootgesteld. 9. Reinig en desinfecteer spuiten voordat u deze bi鐃? de
4. Voorkom dat het product met de huid in aanraking komt. volgende pati谷nt gebruikt.

Spuit de gel in de tandbleekvorm die door uw tandarts is gemaakt.
Gebruik de helft of een derde van de hoeveelheid in de spuit.

Poets de tanden, breng dan de tray aan. Druk de zijkanten van de
tray tegen de tanden aan.

Verwijder de overmaat gel met een schone vinger of zachte
tandenborstel. Spoel twee keer, niet inslikken.

Maak de tray schoon met een zachte borstel en koud kraanwater.
Bewaar de tray in het verstrekte doosje.
Preparare e asciugare il modello di gesso, squadrar via le aree della
lingua e del palato.

Termoformare un foglio Sof-Tray速 da 0,9mm sul modello.
Lasciar raffreddare quindi separare.

Nel caso di radici sensibili applicare la resina Ultradent LC Block-Out
sui margini gengivali in modo da creare un serbatoio per il Flor-Opal
E? consigliabile che la mascherina si estenda per 2-3mm sulla

Precauzioni Generali:
1. Solo per uso professionale. 6. Confermare che il paziente non ha allergie conosciute ai
2. Leggere le istruzioni, le precauzioni e il Foglio di Sicurezza materiali utilizzati per la terapia.
Materiali prima di iniziare il trattamento. Usare solo secondo le 7. Provare il flusso dei materiali dalla siringa e dalla punta
istruzioni. prima di usarli per via intraorale.
3. Tenere i prodotti lontano dalle fonti di calore e dalla luce del sole. 8. Non forzare mai lo stantuffo della siringa.
4. Evitare il contatto con la pelle. 9. Pulire e disinfettare le siringhe tra un paziente ed un altro.
5. Tenere i prodotti chimici lontani dalle aree dove si svolge la

Inserire il gel nel vassoio da sbiancamento preparato dal dentista.
Usare una quantit compresa tra 1/3 e 1/2 della siringa.

Spazzolatevi i denti, quindi inserite il cucchiaio. Adattate i bordi del
cucchiaio ai denti.

Togliete il gel in eccesso con un dito pulito o con uno spazzolino
da denti morbido. Sciacquate due volte evitando di inghiottire gli

Pulite il cucchiaio con uno spazzolino morbido e acqua corrente
tiepida. Conservate il cucchiaio nell卒astuccio fornitovi.
Construya y seque el modelo de yeso, recortando las 叩reas del
paladar y la lengua.

Con aspiraci坦n, adapte la hoja Sof-Tray速 .035? al modelo.
Enfr鱈e y separe.

Para ra鱈ces sensitivas, utilice la resina LC Block-Out en el margen
gingival a fin de proveer espacio de reserva para Flor-Opal.
Se recomienda que la cubeta cubra la enc鱈a de 2 a 3 mm.

Precauciones Generales:
1. S坦lo para uso profesional. 6. Aseg炭rese de 鐃ue el paciente no sufra de alergias conocidas
2. Revise las instrucciones, precauciones y la Ho鐃a de Datos de a los materiales del tratamiento.
Seguridad del Material antes de iniciar el tratamiento. 7. Realice una prueba de flu鐃o de los materiales de la 鐃eringa y
selo solamente de la manera indicada. la punta antes de usar de manera intraoral.
3. Mantenga estos productos ale鐃ados del calor y de la luz solar. 8. Nunca fuerce el 辿mbolo de la 鐃eringa.
4. Evite la exposici坦n de la piel. 9. Limpie y desinfecte las 鐃eringas entre los pacientes.
5. A鱈sle los 鐃u鱈micos fuertes del 叩rea de tratamiento.

Coloque el gel en su cubeta de blanqueamiento hecha por su
dentista. Utilice una jeringa de 1/3 a 1/2.

Cepille los dientes y luego inserte la cubeta. Adapte los costados de
la cubeta a los dientes.

Quite el exceso de gel con un dedo limpio o con un cepillo de
dientes suave. Enjuague dos veces; no se debe tragar el agua.

Limpie la cubeta con un cepillo de dientes suave y agua fr鱈a del grifo.
Gu叩rdela en el estuche.
Vaze os moldes a gesso e corte o palato e o pavimento da boca.

Coloque uma placa .035? Sof-Tray速 sobre o modelo e leve ao v叩cuo.
Arrefe巽a e separe.

Para raizes sens鱈veis utilize a resina LC Block-Out na margem
gengival de modo a prever espa巽o suficiente para o Flor-Opal.
recomendado que a moldeira cubra 2-3mm de gingiva.

Precau巽探es gerais:
1. Destina-se apenas 鐃緒申 utiliza巽鐃o profissional. 6. Confirmar 鐃ue o paciente n鐃o tem alergias conhecidas aos
2. Rever as instru巽探es, precau巽探es e as fichas de seguran巽a do materiais de tratamento.
produto antes de iniciar o tratamento. Utilizar apenas confor 7. Testar o fluxo dos materiais da seringa e da ponta antes
me indicado. de utilizar intraoralmente.
3. Manter fora do calor/luz solar. 8. Nunca for巽ar o 鐃mbolo da seringa.
4. Evitar a exposi巽鐃o 鐃緒申 pele. 9. Limpar e desinfectar as seringas entre cada paciente.
5. Isolar a 叩rea de tratamento contra 鐃u鱈micos fortes.
Colocar o gel na moldeira de branqueamento preparada pelo seu
dentista. Utilizar 1/3 a 1/2 da seringa.

Lavar os dentes e inserir a moldeira. Adaptar as margens da
moldeira aos dentes.

Remover o excesso de gel com dedos limpos ou uma escova de
dentes macia. Enxaguar duas vezes, n達o engolir.

Limpar a moldeira com uma escova macia e 叩gua fresca.
Guardar a moldeira no porta moldeira.
Framst辰ll och torka gipsmodel, sk辰r bort gom och tung omr奪den.

Vakumforma Sof-Tray速 0.9mm platta 旦ver modellen.
L奪t kallna och dra av skenan.

F旦r k辰nsliga tandhalsar, anv辰nd Ultradent卒s LC Block-Out Resin
cervikalt p奪 modellens t辰nder f旦r att skapa resovoarer f旦r
Flor-Opal. verlappa skenan 2-3 mm upp p奪 gingivan.

Generella f旦rsiktighets奪tg辰rder:
1. Endast f旦r yrkesm辰ssigt bruk. 6. Bekr辰fta att patienten inte har n奪gra k辰nda allergier mot
2. G奪 igenom instruktioner, varningar och varuinformation behandlingsmaterial.
(MSDS) innan behandlingen p奪b旦r鐃as. Anv辰nd endast 7. Kontrollera att materialet fl旦dar mellan sprutan och
produkten enligt anvisningarna. spetsen f旦re intraoral anv辰ndning.
3. Produkterna ska h奪llas borta fr奪n hetta/soll鐃us. 8. Tvinga aldrig sprutkolven.
4. Undvik hudkontakt. 9. Reng旦r och desinficera sprutor mellan patienter.
5. Begr辰nsa starka kemiska medel till behandlingsomr奪det.

Ladda gel i blekskenan som f旦rberetts av din tandl辰kare.
Anv辰nd 1/3 till 1/2 av sprutan.

Borsta t辰nderna, s辰tt in skeden. Tryck l辰tt skedens sidor mot

Avl辰gsna 旦verskott av gel med ett finger el. en mjuk tandborste.
Sk旦lj mun med vatten ett par g奪nger.

Reng旦r skeden med mjuk borste och kallt vatten.
F旦rvara i medf旦ljande ask.
Fremstil en gipsmodel uden gane og tungeomr奪derne.
Lad modellen t淡rre.

Adapter en Sof-Tray速 Regular plade til modellen med en
Vakuumformer (fx. UltraVac). Afk淡l og adskil.

Ved f淡lsomme tandhalse anvendes Ultradents LC Block-Out Resin
langs gingiva p奪 modellen for at skabe ekstra plads til
Flor-Opal. Det anbefales at lade skinnen overlappe gingiva 2-3mm.

Generelle forholdsregler:
1. M奪 kun anvendes af tandl脱gepersonale. 6. Bekr脱ft, at patienten ingen kendte allergier har overfor
2. L脱s ve鐃ledningerne, forholdsreglerne og behandlingsmaterialerne.
sikkerhedsdatabladene, inden behandlingen 7. Afpr淡v materialeudstr淡mingen fra spr淡鐃te og spids inden
p奪begyndes. M奪 kun anvendes som angivet. intraoral brug.
3. Produkterne skal holdes v脱k fra varme/sollys. 8. Spr淡鐃testemplet m奪 aldrig forceres.
4. Undg奪 hudkontakt. 9. Reng淡r og desinfic辿r spr淡鐃terne imellem hver patient.
5. Isoler st脱rke kemikalier til behandlingsomr奪det.

Fyld gelen i den blegeskinne, der er fremstillet af din tandl脱ge.
Brug 1/3 til 1/2 af spr淡jten.

B淡rst t脱nderne og s脱t skinnen med gel p奪 plads.
Tryk skinnens sider let mod t脱nderne.

Fjern overskydende gel med en finger eller en bl淡d tandb淡rste.
Skyl munden med vand et par gange.
Spyt ud ~ Synk ikke!

Reng淡r skinnen med en bl淡d b淡rste og koldt, rindende vand.
Brug den udleverede 脱ske til opbevaring af skinnen.
Valmista kipsimallit ja anna niiden kuivua, poista kipsimallista
palatinaaliset ja linguaaliset osat.

Aseta Sof-Tray速 0.035?-muovikalvo kipsimallien p辰辰lle ja vakumoi se.
J辰辰hdyt辰 ja irrota.

Herkki辰 juurenpintoja varten k辰yt辰 Ultradentin LC Block-Out resiini辰
ienrajan kohdalla, jotta saisit tilaa Flor-Opal geelille.
Lusikan reunojen tulisi yletty辰 2-3 mm ikenen p辰辰lle.

Yleiset oh鐃eet:
1. Vain ammattik辰ytt旦旦n. 6. Varmista, ettei potilas ole allerginen hoidossa k辰ytett辰ville
2. Lue oh鐃eet 鐃a varotoimia koskevat kohdat sek辰 k辰ytt旦turval materiaaleille.
lisuustiedote ennen hoidon aloittamista. K辰yt辰 vain oh鐃eissa 7. Varmista, ett辰 materiaalit virtaavat vapaasti ruiskun
mainitulla tavalla. k辰r鐃est辰 ennen suunsis辰ist辰 k辰ytt旦辰.
3. Suo鐃aa tuote kuumudelta 鐃a auringonvalolta. 8. 辰l辰 koskaan pakota ruisku鐃en m辰nti辰.
4. V辰lt辰 ihokosketusta. 9. Puhdista 鐃a desinfioi ruiskut potilaskohtaisen k辰yt旦n
5. K辰sitelt辰v辰n alueen ulkopuoliset alueet pit辰辰 suo鐃ata v辰kev 鐃獣lkeen.
ilt辰 kemikaaleilta erist辰m辰ll辰.

Levit辰 geeli辰 hammasl辰辰k辰rin valmistamaan valkaisulusikkaan.
K辰yt辰 1/3 ? 1/2-ruiskullista.

Harjaa hampaat ja aseta muotti paikoilleen.
Paina kevyesti muotin reunoja hampaita vasten.

Poista ylim辰辰r辰inen geeli puhtaalla sormella tai pehme辰ll辰
hammasharjalla. Huuhtele suu pari kertaa; 辰l辰 niele huuhteluvett辰.

Puhdista muotti pehme辰ll辰 harjalla ja kylm辰ll辰 vedell辰.
S辰ilyt辰 muotti mukana tulevassa s辰ilytyslaatikossa.
Flor-Opal 速 EL - 隆侶粒溜竜 粒旅留 凌僚/侶僚 凌隆凌僚溜留凌/隆侶粒溜竜 粒旅留 凌 竜粒留流旅凌

留留虜竜略竜 劉僚留 粒旅僚? 竜虜袖留粒竜溜? 虜留旅 虜? 侶僚
竜ホ克? / 粒了旅虜流 竜旅故.

留袖竜 袖竜 侶 虜竜流 虜竜僚? 劉僚留 ο了了
Sof-Tray速 .035? ? 竜虜袖留粒竜溜?. 竜略 侶僚 ? ?
留袖留虜僚竜? ?.

旅留 竜留溜慮侶竜 溜採杵? 枯侶旅袖旅竜溜? 侶 侶溜僚侶
Ultradents LC Block-Out Resin マ竜 僚留
隆侶袖旅粒流竜? 枯マ 粒旅留 reservoir 粒旅留 ? Flor-Opal.
裡留 僚旅袖? 僚留 竜竜虜竜溜僚竜竜 ? 僚略慮侶虜留 2-3 mm
略僚 留 了?.

竜僚旅虜劉 凌了略両竜旅
1. 僚凌 粒旅留 竜留粒粒竜了亮留旅虜流 流侶. 6. 旅硫竜硫留旅マ竜 旅 凌/侶 留慮竜僚流 隆竜僚 竜溜僚留旅
2. 旅留硫略竜 旅 凌隆侶粒溜竜, 旅 凌了略両竜旅 虜留旅 凌 陸了了凌 留了了竜粒旅虜/流 留 了旅虜略 慮竜留竜溜留.
隆侶粒旅ホ 留了竜溜留 旅僚 両竜虜旅僚流竜竜 侶 慮竜留竜溜留. 7. 虜竜了劉竜 隆凌虜旅亮流 侶 凌流 了旅虜ホ 留 侶
律侶旅亮凌凌旅流竜 凌 凌僚 亮僚凌 亮僚留 亮竜 旅 旅粒粒留 虜留旅 凌 略虜凌 旅僚 留 侶 旅亮凌凌旅流竜竜
凌隆侶粒溜竜 凌. 竜僚 侶 凌亮留旅虜流 虜凌旅了侶留.
3. 旅留侶流竜 留 凌僚留 亮留虜旅略 留 慮竜亮侶留/ 8. 侶 マ僚竜竜 凌劉 凌 劉亮硫凌了凌 侶 旅粒粒留.
侶了旅. 9. 留慮留溜竜 虜留旅 留凌了亮略僚竜竜 旅 旅粒粒竜 亮竜略 留
4. 凌粒竜竜 侶僚 劉虜慮竜侶 凌 隆劉亮留凌 留 凌僚留. 虜略慮竜 流侶 竜 留慮竜僚流.
5. 凌亮凌僚マ竜 旅 旅劉 侶亮旅虜劉 凌溜竜 侶僚 竜旅凌流
Flor-Opal 速 EL-裡侶袖留 竜虜留僚侶 僚旅ホ

陸凌マ竜 凌 龍竜了劉 凌 隆溜虜凌 了竜虜留僚侶 凌 劉竜旅
虜留留虜竜留竜溜 留 凌僚 凌隆凌僚溜留 留. 律侶旅亮凌凌旅流竜 凌
1/3 劉 1/2 侶 旅粒粒留.

溜? 留 隆僚旅? 留 虜留旅 劉竜旅留 ?慮竜竜溜? ?
僚略慮侶虜留. 留袖竜 旅 了竜劉 ? 僚略慮侶虜留 留

袖留虜僚竜? 旅 竜溜竜旅竜 ? 採砧士? 袖竜 虜留慮留?
隆略虜了? 流 袖竜 袖留了留虜流 隆僚?. ノ杵?了僚竜竜 隆?
劉 枯溜? 僚留 虜留留旅竜溜竜.

留慮留溜竜 ? 僚略慮侶虜留 袖竜 袖留了留虜流 留 虜留旅 虜?
僚竜? 留? 侶僚 ∀?. 陸了略? ? 僚略慮侶虜留 侶僚
竜旅隆旅虜流 慮流虜侶.
Legend: Forklaring:
Legende: Merkkien selitykset:
L辿gende: 離亮僚侶亮留

Use by date Non riutilizzare Anvendes inden
Verfalldatum Use antes de la fecha de expiraci坦n Viimeinen k辰ytt旦ajankohta
A utiliser avant le Utilize por data 律侶旅亮凌凌溜侶侶 劉
Uiterste gebruiksdatum F旦rbrukningsdatum

Se vejledningen
Vedere le istruzioni
See instructions
Lue k辰ytt旦ohjeet
Vea las Instrucciones
Siehe Anleitung
竜溜竜 旅 凌隆侶粒溜竜
Ver instru巽探es
Voir le mode demploi
Se bruksanvisning
Zie gebruiksaanwijzingen

Codice del lotto
Batch Code
C坦digo del Lote
隆旅虜 留溜隆留
C坦digo do lote
Code de lot

Keep out of reach of children Mantenha fora do alcance das crian巽as
Von Kindern fernhalten F旦rvaras utom r辰ck奪ll f旦r barn
A garder hors de la port辿e des enfants Opbevares utilg脱geligt for b淡rn
Buiten het bereik van kinderen houden Pidett辰v辰 poissa lasten ulottuvilta
Tenere lontano dalla portata dei bambini 留流竜 凌 凌僚 亮留虜旅略 留 留旅隆旅略
Mant辿ngase fuera del alcance de los ni単os

Not for injection. Non per iniezione. Ikke til injektion.
Nicht zur Injektion. No debe inyectarse. Ei injektiok辰ytt旦旦n.
侶 竜僚劉旅袖?.
Ne pas injecter. N達o injectar.
Niet injecteren. Ej f旦r injektion.
属F 属C

Temperatura de armazenamento recomendada
Recommended Storage Temperature
Bei 尊C lagern
Rekommenderad f旦rvaringstemperatur

Temp辿rature de stockage recommand辿e Anbefalet opbevaringstemperatur
Aanbevolen bewaartemperatuur Suositeltava s辰ilytysl辰mp旦tila
裡僚旅ホ捨砧塾 慮竜亮凌虜留溜留 留凌慮流虜竜侶
Temperatura di conservazione suggerita
Temperatura de Almacenamiento Recomendada
Ultradent syringes have an expiration date stamped on the side of the syringe consisting of one letter and three numbers.
The letter is a lot number used for manufacturing purposes and the three numbers are the expiration date.
The first two numbers are the month, and the third number is the last number of the year.


4 = Severe
3 = Serious
Health Reactivity
1 2 = Moderate
1 = Slight
0 = Minimal

MSDS Included.

For professional use only.
U.S. federal law restricts the sale of this device by or on the order of a dentist.
Keep out of reach of children.

For immediate reorder and/or complete descriptions of Ultradents product line,
refer to Ultradents catalog or call Toll Free 1-800-552-5512.
Outside U.S. call (801) 572-4200
or visit

息 Copyright 2006 Ultradent Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
U.S. Patent Nos.: 5,234,342; 5,667,386; 5,759,037; 5,846,085; 5,851,512; 5,855,870; 5,985,249; 6,036,943; 6,086,855.
Other U.S. and International Patents Pending.

Ultradent Products, Inc.
505 West 10200 South, #10115.3 070706
South Jordan, Utah 84095, USA

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